MASS AMOUNT OF DISC REVIEWS posted by shane on January 14th
I have reviewed a whole whack of cds that have been sitting in my 'to reiview' pile for a while. There are still plenty more to come, so keep checking back. I have also deleted all the old reviews off the page. We will now only post recent albums. If your band wants a review done, check out our contact page or reviews page on where to send the discs to. Thanks.

OPC SHOW CONFIRMED posted by shane on January 11th
The OPC show for Feb. 5th at the Rockit has just been confirmed. For all show info, please check the listings. We still have room for two more future shows, so bands should email Most of the OPC staff will be at these shows, so come on out and meet us. Also, our comps will be on sale for $5.

NEW GUESTBOOK posted by shane on January 11th
Our old guestbook seemed to crash, and was full of spam. This new one, with no pop up ads, or ads at all will be good for now. Please do not post shows or mp3 links here. They will be deleted, and your IP will be banned. We have a message board for stuff like that. Anyways, the guestbook can be found here, or by scrolling to the bottom portion of this page.

OVER 15,000 UNIQUE HITS posted by shane on January 11th
We are currently receiving over 15,000 unique hits per month, and are looking to double that number by the summer. We need you all to help spread the word. Write it on your desks at school, in the washroom stalls, scream it at people in the streets, and bands, talk about it on stage! Together we can make this site the largest in Ontario, and that will get us a whole lot more. More interviews, more photos, and hell, alot more write-ups. Thanks for everyones support so far, I couldn't have asked for anything more.

GOT NEWS? posted by shane on January 11th
Any bands with news can send it to, and we will post it, and help your band out in any way that we can. Going on tour? Have a new disc out? Or did you just get signed? We will help let everyone know.

JUST A REMINDER.. posted by shane on January 11th
Just to refresh everyone's memory, Jenn is selling the cds at every OPC and Gnomie Ink show. Or if you would like to order one online, click here.

BANDS NEEDED IN PETAWAWA posted by shane on January 11th
Future show in Petawawa, a small town located outside of Ottawa, is looking for bands to perform. If anyone is interested, requests should be sent to This show will take place in the summer time, outdoors, to support the Youth Center. A place for teens and young adults to be.

BRAND NEW POST PONED posted by shane on January 1st
As you all may know, for those of you who arrived at the Opera House last month for the Brand New & BoysNightOut show, it had been cancelled, and moved to January 4th. However, for some odd reason, the Opera House was wrong. The show is NOT tonight. I talked to the booking company from Brand New, and they said it will be sometime in February. I will let you all know when the show is actually happening.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL posted by shane on december 27th
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Finally relaxing after the last two Christmas rush weeks. I have two jobs in retail, and it sure was crazy. I am looking forward to the new year. We have three current upcoming shows that we are working on, Feb 5, Feb 27, and March 28th. The one in March will be a double decker show upstairs and downstairs at the Big Bop! We are currently retreiving bands for all shows. If you think you got what it takes to play one of our shows, email

SKA SHOW IN OSHAWA posted by shane on december 27th
There is a Ska show coming up on Jan 10th for you rude boys and girls. Bands performing will include such locals as Skratch 3, The Heatskores, The Johnstones, Green Division, Grand Skam. For more information on this show, check out the local Ska page by clicking here.

BANDS WANTING ON THE SITE posted by shane on december 15th
Bands who have sent out press kits to us, will be added in the new year. We are not doing any updates on the band page right now, because it is under construction. We hope to have everything re-done by the new year. We apologize for the delay.

NXNE SUBMISSIONS DUE posted by shane on december 15th
Any bands who really wanna get their music out there should definetly look into North By North East. It's a large indie festival put on every year, where a large number of label reps and music industry folks come out to check out all the new bands. Not too mention the thousands of fans and sponsers that get involved. Submissions for the June 2004 festival are almost due. 16 days left to be exact. Go to for more information.

MORE YELLOWCARD SHOWS posted by shane on december 15th
Anyone who didn't get a chance to purchase a ticket for tonights Yellowcard show, with Billy Talent and Flashlight Brown, will be able to see Yellowcard again in January. A couple dates have been announced by the House of Blues. They will be touring with Eve 6, and playing three or four southern Ontario shows. Check our show listings page for dates.

A SANTA CAUSE CONTEST posted by shane on december 12th
As you can see by looking to your right, there is a new contest up! So check it out!

OPC UPCOMING SHOWS posted by shane on december 12th
We have two spots booked at the rockit, in Toronto for Feb 6th, and Feb 27th. We are currently booking bands for these two shows. We hope to have everything confirmed real soon, so we can start promoting the hell outta it!

BENEFIT SHOW, BANDS NEEDED posted by shane on december 12th
A War Child benefit concert, Keep the Beat, will be held at 1141 Bloor St. West on March 4, 2004. However bands are still needed in order to have this show happen. Planning must be started now. All the proceeds from this event will be going to the War Child Foundation. Any bands that are interested in performing for this wonderful event should contact

NEW SERVERS UP AND RUNNING posted by shane on december 9th
A couple days ago the servers were down for a day and a half. They are now up and running. I am still having trouble with my email accounts. For some reason I cannot send emails out, however I can receive them, to continue to do the updates. So keep sending! I apologize for not replying, please hang in there! Thanks.

LAST MINUTE ROCKIT SHOW posted by shane on december 1st
Two of the Gnomie girls are putting on a last minute show this Wednesday night at the Rockit. The bands playing are MugShot, Broomfiller, and Facade. I am going to try to get some compilations out to Jen to sell at the show. All three bands are on our compilation, and it will be a great show. So head on down!


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