The Mark Worner EP
Now, I know I usually have a lot of good things to say when it comes around to reviewing albums, but these guys totally deserve it. The leads pretty much did it for me on this album. Very similar to those who listen to Off The Mark. Fast, aggressive, and raw. Smooth bass lines that are actually making the songs more unique then what you'd normally hear. And I must not leave out the vocals. This guy actually knows how to use his voice, and he's very good at it. Goes excellent with this non-poppy, hard edged, skate punk. I highly recommend everyone give it a listen. I know it probably won't be for everyone, but I am sure a fair share of you will love it as much as I do. Check out the band at www.handheldonline.ca.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

Sad Songs... And Sing Alongs
Right On! I hear horns on this album!! I for some reason, did not realize these guys were a ska band. There's not too many of those around anymore. I guess they all come and go. Misunderstood? has that full horn sound with distorted punk and ska guitars, while Randy uses his vocal ability in a range of singing and holding notes throughout each bar. This cd has a very upbeat-aggressive-old school-Less Than Jake-punk-ska sound, and should not be mistaken for just another ska band. Take a listen for yourself, this band seems to always be touring throughout the southern regions of Ontario. Visit www.bananzo.com for band info, or the bands label at www.oi-man.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

Demo 2003
I was always a part-time fan of RimTrik's older stuff, throwing the CD on once in a while. But this new demo obviously shows that they have been working hard. It has a more 'emo' feel to it. Very well recorded, and well produced. I am not a big fan of track two, which has a slight 'rap' almost verse. But other than that, the album sounds great, alot like the new emo rock that has really taken over. It's too bad they've left us for Palm Springs, California. Highly recommended for fans of The Starting Line, and Matchbook Romance. Visit www.rimtrik.com for more info.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

Kid Gib
The Harder They Fall
Im really glad to see that there are some local bands left that are sticking away from that new pop punk sound. These guys play those fast four chord wonders which still in my mind rule. Lots of palm muting, lots of distortion, lots of stop-and-go action, and lots of leads. This is a total sing along album, you'll just have to figure the words out on your own. It's a little difficult to hear what the bass is doing, but it's rather simple, and does the job. Drumming is your standard punk rythym, but is obviously suitable for their style. I have not seen Kid Gib live before, but they seem like a band with a lot of support that could go further than most. Check em out at www.kidgib.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

The Rots
The Rots
I just heard about these guys recently. Don't know much about them, but they sound, well, scary! Im not quite sure why the vocals are being sung like Igor was his father, and the band is playing the same four chords over and over, with no leads. Bass line is simple, and slow. However, during solo's is when it would hit the peak. It picks up! I guess im just not a fan of the really old school punk. The band describes themselves as "Street/Crust", which is a very good way to describe it. Check them out for yourselves by clicking here. Or if you are in the Thunder Bay area, check out their shows page and see if you can catch them.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

The Kinison
The Kinison
Fearless Records latest release, "Mortgage Is Bank" by The Kinison is personally, a band I have never heard of. It's got vocals of a Billy Talent album, leads from a POD riff, and lyrical content of Live On Release. What a strange mix. But over all, the album feels somewhat dark, heavy, and funky! Has quite a bit of screaming, and sounds like the new school rock/alternative such as the Hives, Strokes, the Vines, whatever! If you're a fan of that genre, then check em out on Fearless Records at www.fearlessrecords.com. I know I won't be.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

From the Ashes
It's Pennywise, what can I say. Love 'em or hate 'em, you gotta admit it all sounded the same from their second or third album. This album I noticed that in two or three of their songs, they decided to use the same lyrical content. Im sure its the same lyrics or very similar anyway from previous albums. I think the only thing thats keeping Pennywise going, is the fact that at one point they were the new age skate punk legends. And now their music is being passed down to the younger generation, along with word of mouth. You know, "You're a punk if you listen to these guys". So now we have this new generation of kiddies purchasing all this Pennywise merch. Anyways, nonetheless, if you liked the old Pennywise albums, you'll like this one for sure. For someone who has never heard Pennywise before, here's a short review. Fast, smooth, power chords playing all over, with a guy singing about political views, trying to get a message across in a melodic way. Bass lines are sneaky, and quick. Drumming is fast, hard, and typical. I don't mean to sound like I'm downtalking Pennywise, because I do like them, and I do enjoy their new album. But I guess you can't please everyone. Half the world hates when bands change their sound, the others complain when they keep it the same. Check out Pennywise on Epitaph Records at www.epitaph.com. Or visit the official Pennywise site at www.pennywisdom.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

Motion City Soundtrack
I am the Movie
It's cheemo! That's right, cheezy-emo. Just listen to the words. Kind of reminds me of a faster, harder Algebra One. There's something about bands trying to go for that new sound. Like nobody knows what the future in music holds, so everyone is experimental. It's totally good in a sense, but sometimes you need experience to make experimental. Justin knows how to use his voice, if only the band traded in their 80's effects for some new school distortion. I think my favourite part of this album is track two, when the band stops playing, and its just a distorted guitar with vocals. Maybe Justin should think about a solo career? Less cock, more rock! For those of you interested, check out the bands official site at www.motioncitysoundtrack.com or the bands label at www.epitaph.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

Echo of the Assassin EP
This album sounds a lot like the band name. ColdBlueSky. When you think 'cold', you think hatefull, angry, and disrespectful. And that's exactly what the album is. Checking out the lyrics, I noticed ColdBlueSky has a lot of negative thoughts inside their heads. Its great when it all comes out into their style of music. "I raise my fist to the sky, the bastards can't kill what we hold inside, we burn and bleed, yearning to be free", is a sample of the type of lyrical content you will find on this cd. As for the instrumental part, it holds more of the "blue sky" meaning. Somewhat punk with a bit of a pop, catchy lead riffs, and bass lines that follow behind. It's a half decent album worth checking out. ColdBlueSky is currently playing shows all over the southern half on Ontario. I recommend looking into a ColdBlueSky show. For more information on the band visit them at www.coldbluesky.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

11 Minutes Away
Three Song 2003 Demo
I was not expecting this at all! 11 Minutes Away is probably a band that has impressed me the most over the past three years. Starting out back in the day, they totally had the Blink 182 poppy punk sound. Slowly as the band went through changes in their line-up, as well as musical taste I'm sure, they grow a harder edge. With this most recent three song demo, I have notice the bands biggest improvement since their beginning. Songs on this album are PS I hate You, Your Lies Whisper Tragic Words, and The Act of Sacrificing Bitter Memories. I think this is it for 11MA. This is the sound they were suppose to create. They have kept the catchy guitar riffs, with slight melodic pop, only this time round they have added in more aggressive vocals, and more complicated song writing skills. Best of all, they kept their band name the same over the years, and through their changes. I am totally diggin' this demo, and would love to help these guys out with touring, promoting, and anything else OPC can do to help. Check out 11MA at www.11minutesaway.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on January 14, 2004.

Demo 2003
This head pounding three song demo from Haddonfield will send anyone screaming from their rocker. It's hard, it's heavy, it's angry and it's melodic! Mark's deep and solid singing throughout the more mellow played verses are quickly pounded over with his loud screaming vocals during the chours. The low and heavy guitars guide your mind through each of their own. The drumming is always building up to some kind of emotional outbreak. This album was very well produced. All different effects were used as background noise to set the albums mood. I give it two thumbs up, and look forward to the bands first full length album. Stop by camphaddonfield.com for more information, and to see when they will be ripping apart your town.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on December 16, 2003.

Matchbook Romance
Stories and Alibies
The first time I heard this album I went into a record store, and sampled it. As soon as the play button was pressed I was blown away. The CD starts out with a build up right into the first song. The guitarists fingers are all over, playing up and down the neck of the guitar. Right into the vocals, some words about broken hearts. Yeah, you heard me correctly, another album about girls being mean to boys. But for those of you who like that sorta thing, you will really dig this album. Catchy riffs, fast hard and steady drum beat, and screaming you can sing along to.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on December 16, 2003.

Joe Strummer
Street Core
Warning.. this CD is extremely laid back. So if you and your friends just like to sit out on the back deck on a warm summers night, doing what you guys do, then I suggest this is the cd for you. Sounds similar to Sublime, only they play in a more mature serious manor. Very clean too. I had never really shown too much interest in it, until my buddy picked it up. Then I became curious. I had no idea that is was going to be like this. It's a mixture of reggae, dub, funk, blues, jazz, folk, and hip hop. Very interesting mixtures. Also, a great cover of Bob Marley's Redemption Song. The album is on Hellcat Records, and distributed by Epitaph. You can get more information on Joe Strummer at strummersite.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on December 16, 2003.

Generation Genocide
Well, after listening to this album a couple times in a row. I was still trying to figure out what makes one song, different from the next? A lot of their stuff seems to sound the same, almost like taking one Rancid song, and mixing it up 14 times to produce an album. Yes, I think they sound very similar to Rancid. Especially track 10, "Saturday Night". I must admit though, everytime I hear their single "Generation Genocide" on the radio, I am somehow drawn to turn it up. I'm not sure what their second single is going to be, but I hope it's "Lessons". That is one song that seems to differ the most from the rest. It's very catchy, poppy, and it's got ska flavour. Personally, I like the old Jersey better. Either way, they do have great bass lines that are all over the place, and a real rough, street sound. For those new fans, try and hunt down some of their older stuff. They used to have a female vocalist in the band that added a sharp unique touch to the band.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on November 28, 2003.

Alkaline Trio
Good Mourning

From the opening track "This Could Be Love" i was hooked.. blistering guitar work..Derek Grant the new Drummer( from Suicide Machines) brings alot to the group..with vocals and his amazing drum work on this album...Andriano sings alot more on this ablum which helps Skiba's vocals get back up to par rom last years vocal strain...Andriano aslo brings more happier songs to the album with getting married and having a child. The Darkness is still on the Album from the cover work to songs such as "This Could Be Love", "Fatally Yours" and "All On Black. Ths first single "We've Had Enough" is a hard hitting song to the catch hooks..to the pounding drum beats. If You're looking for some similar songs such as "Private Eye" or "Armageddon" from From Here To Infirmary...then go back to that cd..this cd is completley different from my point of view...the thing about Alkaline Trio they get better with every release. "Good Mouring" is kick-ass piece of music..the writting on each album has progressed..if you've been a fan of Alkaine Trio since the beging then you'll have to add this cd to you collection. The Art work is amazing again Keith Moon has done amazing job.. The Stand out tracks on this Album are :"This Could Be Love", "We've Had Enough" , "All On Black" ,"Fatally Yours", and the acoustic Ballad "Blue In The Face".

Reviewed by Geoff Haynes on October 3rd, 2003.

Brand New
Deja Entendu
A BMG rep came by and handed me a copy of the latest Brand New cd, he said it was quite different from their last. Seeing how I give pretty much anything a chance, and I did like their last album, I took it home with me. As soon as I threw this bad boy in, I was overly impressed. The intro alone hits that spot deep down inside that just makes you grow with chills. When it moves along into the second track, I must admit, I wasn't too fond of the beat. It kinda threw me off, and I thought the intro was a little misleading. But when they break out into the chorus it gets you up off your feet. You just wanna kick and scream along with it. Now, they do tone it down a bit on a few other tracks on this album, which is good for those who like little breathers inbewteen their out breaks. So much to like, I just can't explain it. Harmony, pop, rock n' roll, and some screamo is what is wrapped all up in this pacakge. It takes no time at all before you are hooked. This album is a lot more organized and "professionally" done than their last. It can be found in pretty much any music store, so head out and grab yours today. Check out their site at www.brandnewrock.com.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay on September 12, 2003.

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