Brad of Somehow Hollow

December 07, 2002
Interview by Shane Macaulay

Somehow Hollow originally started out as a side project from Grade, correct? Did you ever feel that Somehow Hollow would be come more of a full time thing, rather then just a side project?

Well the band actually started with my brother Mike, Kent and Drew well I was playing in Grade. They asked me to join and play on the first record. I thought it would fun to do something different from Grade and more closer to my punk roots. Eventually Kent was asked to join Grade and Mike and Drew did some filling in on some tours. The band kinda just sat for a while until Grade broke up. I think that the band was always going to be a full time thing eventually.

Do you currently have any other side projects that you are working on?

Not really. Me and Greg from Jersey have a studio were working on that should be up and running soon. We've already decided we are going to collaberate on some stuff more for fun than anything else. I'm sure lots of stuff will come from that studio.

After being signed to Victory Records, has the band made any changes to their music or their performance?

Just to be alittle more proffesional. I mean a lot of money went into the record so there is a lot more riding on it this time around. We'd like to see this project work so were giving 110%.

What do you think of Ontario's punk rock scene? Has it died, or is it coming alive?

I think it's coming alive. Every band is doing fairly well and the interest shown from U.S. labels just proves that. I think there will always be a strong scene in certain areas.

I don't like to compare yourselves to Grade, but just out of curiousity, how come Somehow Hollows sound is so different than Grades? Who are your influences?

Well I've always played in punk bands as has everyone else in the group. The Grade thing just kinda fell into my hands so I went with it. I do enjoy playing the more aggressive hardcore stuff as I've always been a metalhead. Somehow Hollow is more aggressively melodic I think theres more going on. I think some people would disagree with me but I think the song writing is more advanced. Were not relying on the standard "heres comes the breakdown" and "heres the soft clean part" of Grade so theres more thought into it. Like I said thats my opinion.We are more proud of this project. Theres alot more heart.

You started out on a smaller indie label, East End Industries. What kind of role did they play in the past? Did they have a big effect on the road you have come down?

Well they were kind enough to finance our first record. which is cool. I mean there wasn't much distro going on but they did there part. We actually have the rest of that pressing in our hands which we will be selling exclusively at shows. After it's gone will see what we want to do with it, whether we put it back out ourselves or Victory wants it.

Who was the female vocalist in the song "Someday", from your first full length on East End Industries? Will she be playing a guest role in the future?

Her name is Jake Leiske. She sings in a well known country band called Farmers Daughters. The producer was dating her at the time so Mike put down a scratch vocal track and she went over it after we were gone. I never actually met her so I doubt she'll be back.

Where does the inspiration to write a song come from? Do you write from personal experience? How do you put so much emotion into a song? Sometimes I feel like I am going to cry!

Well we don't want anybody crying. That goes against my belief system! To be honest with you Mike comes up with the words and he's quite secretive of what there about, although most are obvious to us.

The song Fall Leaves, is that about a real death? Do you mind sharing more of the song's meaning?

Well your probably refering to the "I'm sorry you had to die so fast you were oh so young 21 and already past your prime" I think it's really about someone thats lived a little to "loose" if you know what I mean.

What kind of plans do you guys and the label have for Somehow Hollow? Do you find the shows and touring any different from when you were unsigned?

Well they are better organised. We have a real booking agent who takes care of that. No managers and publicists and that other bullshit though cause thats not what we are about. Hopefully they'll do there part in advertising the shit out of the new record. I've already seen ads for it so thats cool.

Will you be re-releasing any of your previous tracks? If so, can you tell us which ones, or are you still undecided?

Yeah still undecided. We'll see how this record does.

Sometimes when a band gets signed, they change their sound. Will we be hearing something completely different in any of the new songs?

The songs on the new album were written before we got signed and they sound different from the first record. So it wasn't an influence at all. I think it's natural to want to do things differently every record. Grade did that well and so does Somehow Hollow. The difference is we wrote 14 or so new songs without any idea of what was going to happen to the band and who was going to sign us. I wish younger bands did that more often these days. To many bands are more concerned with recording a demo and "shopping" it rather than just being a band with your buds. Just write good songs, don't worry about the leaches and evilness of the "music biz".

Thanks for taking the time to do this short interview for OntarioPunk.com. We all cannot wait to hear new stuff from Somehow Hollow.

Thanks. Be sure to check out "Busted Wings and Rusted Halos" Jan. 21 2003.