Matt of The Getaway

March 01, 2002
Interview by Melissa Taite

First off, I want to say the CD is great.  I can't wait for the new one to come out!  So, who's in the band, and what do they play??

The new one's coming out in June.  Bart Doroz plays guitar, Jon Gerson plays drums, John Sirdevan plays guitar and Neil Hamilton plays bass.  Right now Neil has mono so we've had to cancel about ten shows.  He probably won't be able to do the tour in April, so we're touring as a four piece

Really? is that tough?

I dunno, I haven't gone to practice yet to hear it.  It'll be ok, not the greatest, I mean we're used to a certain sound.  The songs really require two guitars, but it'll be fine.  Serdi (John) will play bass.  The tour is gonna be really fun.

You joined the band after it had been formed, what was that like? And what was it like not playing with Blank Stare, especially since The Getaway has a very different sound?

Joining was strange, they had been trying out other singers for a long time.  Gerson emailed my roommate Ewan, and asked if he thought I'd be into it.  I hadn't been in a band for a while, and I was wanting to start one up - it was convenient that one called me and they had already put shit out on a label.  I went out and it went well, we got along and now they're really good friends of mine - Serdi and I even work at the same place.  As for the sound, Blank Stare was very different, and I liked it a lot, but I was never singing.  I like a lot of melodic music, as well as shit like Madball and Slayer.  It's just different. Learning to sing instead of screaming all the time was fairly hard, but I really like the Getaway - those guys come up with songs and I'm like, holy shit, I can't believe how good that is, and then I'm stoked that I get to sing them and write lyrics for them.

So you write the lyrics - who usually writes the music...or what's the process normally?

Gerson writes a lot of stuff. I think that guy just sits at home and plays guitar twenty hours a day.  All of the other guys have a lot of riffs and they all try to work it together, but Gerson comes up with a lot too.  He also writes most of the melody before he shows them to us, so the vocal lines are usually done, but I'll tweak it every now and then.  I change the lyrics cause often he has just written down whatever fits the melody, but he usually comes up with really killer choruses that I don't even change cause they're so good.  I might change a word or two, but when he comes up with something good - why change it just cause I didn't write it?  If it's good, I don’t fuck around too much.

Who're the band's main musical influences? or individual song writing influences, like Gerson?

We all like so much stuff. I know Gerson really likes Less Than Jake, Face to Face, and Blink 182.  He also likes Death Threat, Madball, Hatebreed, shit like that.  Usually the attitude of the heavier stuff we listen to comes through in the songs.  I love stuff like Lifetime and Kid Dynamite, The Bad Brains, Black Flag.  That was what I listened to most, but after I joined this band, they turned me onto some really great melodic stuff - like The Get Up Kids, I love that band.

What about you, and your lyrical influences? Is there anyone, or anything that has influenced you to right something?

Writing lyrics…hmmm.  I dunno, a lot of our songs are about girls.  It seems that girls won't stop driving any of us crazy, so I'm sure there's an endless pool of material there.  Usually stuff going on in our life.  One of our songs, Lifetime, it's about my grandmother - she died two years ago from lung cancer.  I dunno, lots of stuff influences me.  Just what's going on in our lives, it's what we know best.

So, how has R edefined Records been for you and the band?

I wasn't there in the beginning, so I can't really say, but they've been really cool. They've hooked us up with shows around Ontario, and they work really hard for us. They've helped us go on tour and they're putting out the full length in June.  I had a very informal meeting with one of the guys [recently], and I'm really excited about what they have planned for us.  We're gonna be on tour for basically all of the summer supporting the record, and we're gonna be heading into the states as well - which we really want to do badly.  Re define are going to be hooking us up distribution in the US, which will make it a lot easier than trying it DIY - booking everything yourself, doing your own promotion.  I've done that, and it works really well for some bands.  We work hard.  But, everything is easier when you have people on your side helping out, freeing up your time to take care of writing songs and shit.

The Getaway had a lot of success in 2001  - being #7 on HMV's top ten punk list!  Gerson said it now feels 'right’ [after the addition of you and Neil Hamilton].  So, are you guys expecting to just keep getting better? Where do you see yourselves in the future?

I dunno.  Gerson will be playing underwater drum solos in sold out arenas, as for the rest of us, I dunno whether we're with Gerson in the sold out arenas or not is yet to be seen.  I see us playing more and more, going to new places and just working really hard to build a reputation and an audience.  We seem to have a rep right now around here, and across much of Canada, but we need to work harder and tour more.  Touring with Grade in Western Canada helped a lot.  And hopefully we can get some more opening slots like that, supporting bigger bands.  I'd really like to do that soon, and work our ways up, but we're not afraid of going out on our own and playing to ten people so long as they all go out and tell ten of their friends, so the next time we come back there are 100 people.  I really believe in the word of mouth when it comes to hyping new bands, especially in punk rock

Your band is gonna get tons of hype.

I hope so, as long as we stick with it and come back to those places that those ten people told their friends about us.

So, what do you think about the local Ontario scene right now?

Ontario is cool, but it's wack.  There are so many bands and a lot of them are shit, and that's not to say that my opinion really counts for anything, but it's all the same shit and I haven't seen anything from around here that's really new that's stoked me out.  Most of the scenes are pretty cliquey and it can be hard to reach everyone because everyone is too afraid of what other people will think to have fun at shows.  Everyone is too cool for everyone else.  It's a big contest, and that goes to the bands too.  Every time a band gets big, all the other bands get jealous, or if a band is better than them - take No Warning, that band is amazing, and so many people hate them. I know those guys sometimes are a bit much to take, even for me - and I'm friends with them.  No Warning are getting so much shit from people and it all boils down to jealousy.  They wish it was their band. Hell, I wish it was my band that was blowing up all over the states right now, but I'm not gonna say they're bad.  The fact that they can be dicks to people has nothing to do with how well they play.  We can all be dicks to people.  Those guys are rad from Ontario and so are Dead Letter Dept.  Other than that, I'm not feeling a lot for Ontario.  I love a lot of the people, I would never want to live anywhere else, but people need to stop being too busy trying to out punk each other and just have fun and create good music.  And dance at shows.  No one fucking dances at shows - they just stare.  God, that's annoying.

Okay, so here's a loaded question then.... do you think there's a way for the Ontario scene to become LESS wack?

Yes.  I think I just answered it.  Everyone needs to stop being too cool for school.  I don't care how many obscure bands you listen to, I don't care if you list really out there and unappreciated influences.  Have fun.  Write good songs.  Half the people are so worried about who they are emulating that it just sounds like shit.  Well, not all of the places are like that, but Oakville is, and Toronto is like that too.

Then where have you had some of your BEST shows ever?

Best shows ever…hmmm.  Burlington is a rad place around here to play – kids went off for us there.  Newfoundland is amazing for us.  Hartland New Brunswick, Saskatoon.  Winnipeg was a show where we were probably the best sounding ever.  Anywhere kids go off, we have fun - that's our best show.  We've never played a big show in Toronto, I don't think we've actually played an all ages show in Toronto since I joined the band.  I think our next Toronto show will be our record release [May 12 @ Rivoli], and I hope the hype will bring everyone out.

Okay, so aside from good ol’ punk rock, what are you guys into?

I like a lot of Hip hop.  I know Neil does, he produces beats in his room.  We're all pretty much into pop punk and hardcore.  Serdi and I love Metal, Slayer and Maiden and shit.  Springsteen is one of my favourites.  And I also love Blues; Robert Johnson, John Lee Hooker, Robert Pete Williams.  Also Merle Haggard, old country like that.  Those guys won't let me play it in the van though.  I need to bring a walkman on this tour so I don’t have to listen to the Dude Ranch album ten times in a row.  Thank you Gerson.

What about hobbies?

I ride BMX, Serdi and Neil skate.  Neil does hip hop beats.  We all like movies and shit.  Gerson pretty much is exclusively music - writing and stuff.  He also likes hockey and used to play it. Him and I both work out too when we get a chance.

That's amazing that he writes so much and is the drummer!

Yeah.  He wears many hats.  We all contribute, but like I said, he plays guitar like 20 hours a day.  None of us can keep up with him.

You did Punk o Rama with George Stroumbouloupolous.

Yes, I used to.  Now I drop by when I can.  He likes our band, he's played us a bunch of times.

You think he's good for the local scene?

Yes I do.  He likes the music he plays on that show.  He loves music.  He has so many CD's at his house.

What about him being on Much Music instead of The Edge... maybe he'll reach out to a bigger audience?

He's worked to have a punk show on there, but Much won't go for it.  I guess they don't think there's the audience.  But Musique Plus in Quebec has a punk show, and it does great.  Watch George, sometimes he sneaks shit in there, like he'll put the black flag bard on his arm in marker and stuff just cause he's bored.  He's punk.  I know he's on television and stuff, but he's rad.  Plus, I hate him cause he got to go on tour with Ozzy and ride in Ozzy's plane.  Fucker

The audience is growing for pop punk however, thanks to Blink 182 and Sum 41. What do you think about that?

As far as Sum 41 and shit, it's cool.  They opened for Blank Stare a few times, and then it infuriated me that they got so popular, but they aren't bad.  I'm even coming around - and I used to be one of their biggest critics. Blink are amazing. I've always liked them.  I was at their first Toronto show at a matinee in the Elmo, there were like 20 people there, they invited people to come back to their hotel and hang out.  I doubt they remember me.  I even have a photo of me with tom and mark from that night, I'm 17, looking like the biggest dork.

Ah, Blink... that's cool. They're such jokers.

Totally, and they've stayed true to what they've always been.  When I first saw them, they were the same idiots as they are now.  Green Day and the Offspring totally changed after getting big.  Blink have stayed true to what they were and who they are and the kind of music they play.

What about Sum 41?

Sum 41 are ok. I don’t ever remember them having a fan base or being part of the scene prior to them getting big. I guess that's my biggest complaint about them. But they're good. Who cares if bands get popular. Everyone in a band would love to get that big - unless you're Fugazi or some shit like that (I like Fugazi by the way).  Selling out is bull shit.  It's called looking after your financial security.  That's not to say that you can't use your popularity to try and bring things to light - like giving money you raise at a big show to charity, or stick to your ideals.  Well, when you're 15, you're supposed to hate everything that you don't think is punk.  But when I was 15, I was still figuring out what punk was - and it isn't dissing every band on a major label.  It's being creative, believing in something bigger than just trends and fads.  Punk is in you, if you're it, you just are.  It's the way you live, eat, fuck, fight, breath, sleep, think.  It's everything.  Lots of people get into it and leave, but the people that stay, they're going to be punk for life.  Some might go out and become teachers or lawyers, or shit like that, but what you take from the punk scene, and what you learn, sticks with you.  It’s about seeing people eye to eye and interacting.  It's much more than music.  I'm not a crazy PC guy or anything, I just think that punk is really special.  I couldn't really explain it to anyone very well who doesn't listen to punk and doesn't go to shows and know what punk and hardcore is all about.  Punk is way more than getting wasted around the corner form the show and then puking on the floor.  I mean, I did that, it was all apart of getting into everything.  But there comes a time when it becomes a part of you and you can't really pinpoint when that was.  I'm just all about the Bad Brain's PMA - the positive mental attitude.  This music has gotten me through everything tough in my life.  It’s special to me.  I think that the PMA can influence people.  Punk can change the world, but not in the way that crass would have liked.  It won't be won with class warfare, but think of the values you pick up in punk - respect, compassion, creativity.  I think the kids that listen to this shit and then become teachers and lawyers will have that influence with them in their careers.  That's how this music is gonna change the world.  Eventually the angry kid figures out how to express his emotions without anger and shaves the mohawk off and buys some real pants and just gets it.  I can't explain what it is, but when you get it, you just know.  Not to knock Mohawks.  I used to have one, but I like how I do my hair now, and I stopped bleaching it too.  I think that's why I have grey hair at 22

For sure, now it's silky soft, right?

Ha.  Yeah, when I don't put a bunch of wax in it.

So what else do you want to say about the band, or anything for that matter?

I think we all hope that The Getaway will be able to let us try to give back what we've gotten out of music.  We all love music, and we just really want to create good songs that people like.  If we get huge, that'd be fun, but if we just have fun and write good punk rock, melodic or whatever, that's great too.  I know I'm in the band, but I really love the songs that these guys write.