Peter of Fall Semester

April 16, 2003
Interview by Bryan Feheley

B- How did the band get started?

P- umm, Ryan and I had plans of starting the band last summer, but it fell through, and I didn’t write anything for fall semester until my friend Dave passed away in a car crash, and I wrote a song about him, and two others, and put them on an EP, and gave it to everyone who knew him, that’s who it started in the beginning it was just myself

B- How far back do you and Ryan go?

P-We met in grade nine, we weren't really that close, but we are seriously like brothers now, he is my best friend in the world, we go to each other about problems, and in this crazy world, we're the only ones we can tell secrets to

B- Awesome, what was the experience like when you played your first show and who was it to and where was it?

P- November 9th, Saint George church hall, it was with love letter refuge, and some other bands, but love letter are our bestest friends, so I remember them the most, it was pretty awesome, the place was packed, the bass player from the separation suicide was there, and I love them, and all my best friends, and people I looked up to were there, and it was totally awesome.

B- Are you excited for your CD Release?

P- oh, soooo excited, we wrote this song as a tribute to all of our friends, and it's very ben foldsish, it's so neat, we love our friends so much, and to see that many people care about us, or to see our favorite bands be there for us, it's AMAZING, everyone has something better to do, like the leafs game, but they are there to support what we love, and nothing is more exciting than that, plus, I just recently started playing standing up, and getting to dance, so that is exciting too.

B- Besides Love Letter Refuge what are some of your favorite local bands?

P- umm, no particular order, our other best friends are "playing with broken mirrors" they are great people and a great band, alexisonfire, newfound interest in Connecticut a excellent, the fullblast, silverstein, closet monster, bombs over providence, protest the hero, explode the airwaves, boys night out are bloody fantastic, there's so many more, like plant the bomb, and the getaway, or Jude the obscure, and katja, soooo many good bands are from around here, two really good bands I just got into are avery and farewell to freeway.

B-Why do you feel there is so much good music coming out of the western Ontario scenes?

P- umm, it's that damn Burlington! They put something in the water I swear! So many bands coming from there, but I think everyone is just much older now, so they've all left their old bands to make super bands, for instance the big four in oakville(the fullblast, silverstein, BNO and pettit project) super bands I tells ya! My town hasn't have bands been around long enuff to make super bands yet Ryan and I have only been together for 2 months, and we're only 17, so much can still happen to us.

B- I totally agree on the Oakville big four

P- they are all from other bands that were good, but not much compared to what they are now.

B-Where do you see Ryan and you in say 5 years? Are you planning in making a career out of music?

P- That is my dream, depends how you define "career" I want to go around north America, in a van, I just want to play music, and I think Ryan and I can do it, we are still really young, and I think we still have tons to learn, but we're doing alrite for ourselves for only being 17.

B- I know I was suprised when I found out you guys were 17 do you get that a lot?

P- umm, yeah, a lot of people say "man, I wonder what they'll sound like when they're 20", but Ryan has been writing since he was five, and we ARE the only band in our school, hahaha, so it's pretty sad there isn’t a lot of song writers form around here, the really only super song writer in town is Sean from love letter, and he is bloody amazing.

B-No argument there, Whats the best and worst memories you have of shows?

P- we played a show in london a little while ago, we wre the second band on, and we played at 12, in front of ten people, in a cage(this bar was an exotica club on off nites) that had power running through it, and they only ahd two mics, and no "DI's" for ryan's keyboard, my amp couldn;'t be miced, ryan played thru a marshall cab, it was brutal, ryan got shcoked on his lips to the point of bleeding, and it took us 2 hours to get there, and 2 back, but we just looked back and laughed, haha, that's all you can do, that's rock and roll, it's not all fun for the best one, i'd say brampton, despite the weather being terrible, we played with PWBM, and it wasn't the show that was the best time,. like it was great, but it was hanging out with our friends and Playing With Broken Mirrors, it was amazing, so much fun but I think Friday is going to take the cake.

B- Want to plug your show a little?

P- sure, haah, i'm really bad with plugging, but, it's this friday, drs at 6, 6 bucks with canned food(i recommend canned food, charity is so good), all of mine and ryan's favorite local bands, indivised, four car crash, playing with broken mirrors, newfound interest and love letter. so many long names, haha

B- Before you go can you give me a little dirt on Ryan?

P- well, ryan likes really wierd music! don't tell a soul! hahaha, he's british at heart, so we have funny coldplay arguments at practice, but in general, stuff is uber good between us, i can't usually be in bands with people, but i respect everything ryan does, and i respect him, like i said, he;s my bro, we're best friends, and i wouldn;t want it any other way, but he's hung like a horse, now, that's dirt!

B- Thanks a lot Pete and Good luck on Friday Night

P- Thanks dude stay gold and stay safe.