Whats Wrong With Punk? by Bryan Feheley

As you read the top of this most of you will be jumping to the conclusion that I will be whining about Pop-Punk and the little girl invasion of the last couple years. But to your everlasting amazement I am not, the thing that is wrong with Punk in my mind are the people who take it way to seriously. The people that think that bands like Good Charlotte and Simple Plan are destroying punk, the truth is people they are not. I am not a huge fan of bands like these but I have an amazing power, it is not the power to complain and bitch about these bands, it is power to turn off the radio or change the channel on the television. It is simple if you don’t like don’t watch/listen to it. I am sick and tired of people calling them posers and frauds and every other name they can think of. Do you really believe that they really care what you think about them, of course they don’t, they are not going to stop making music because some kids say they are losers for making bad music. I was watching Much Music the other day and there was an interview with Simple Plan, and they raised a really good point. By them playing the type of music they do, it doesn’t erase all the bands like the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, The Clash and later day bands like Rancid and Black Flag that have come before them. Now I have a varied taste when it comes to music, in my disc holder I have everything from Dashboard Confessional to AFI and everything in between. I don’t want to just limit myself to post hardcore eastbay punk or acoustic emo; I can choose what I buy and what I don’t, what a notion!!! If you don’t like a band then don’t LISTEN TO THEM. But just bad mouthing bands is not the only think wrong with punk these days, no it is the people who get so caught up in being “punk.” I am talking about the people who get mad when a band they “discovered” gets big, or refer to themselves as hardcore, here is a tip if you tell your self or other people that you are hardcore then you are most likely not, or count scene points or do a hundred other pointless little things in the quest to be punk. Now I like music that is labeled as punk and I dress how I feel comfortable which is mostly in band shirts if somebody asked me if I was punk I wouldn’t say yes. I like punk music, but it is very facieses to refer to yourself as punk. Who says what is punk and what isn’t? Is a three-stud belt more punk then a two-stud belt? Is a trucker hat more punk than a normal hat? The point I am trying to make is that nothing really matters. Punk means a different thing to each person; to one it might be a release from a shitty home life or it could be a way for a person to express himself or herself. So the moral of the story is twofold, don’t hate bands because of the music they play, if you don’t like it just don’t listen and don’t get caught up in being punk and just do what ever you want.

Bryan Feheley