World Issues Written By Jordan Lennox

There are some things in this world that I don't understand - and after 19 years of prosperous and educated life, there isn't alot that I don't understand or quickly come to understand. After these same 19 years of life I have had to deal with major catastrophes around the world - war, famine, destruction. However, living in the Western world, were modern peace seems to reign supreme, I have been unsolicited by said events - until recently. On September 11th last year our peace was disturbed, like a rock dropped into still water.

However, does that justify any sort of war? In Israel the Palestinians and Israelies clash on a daily basis, with the death toll continually rising. As you read this, someone in Israel is dying from a battle wound. In the aftermath of current events a leader of the worlds most powerful country wishes to rise against yet another country and attempt to beat them into submission. Quite quickly, let me state my beliefs about Saddam Hussein. I DO NOT believe that he is correct in any state of his thinking. The fact that he has, in the past, tested chemical weapons on the innocent does not entice me to believe he is not seeking to be a nuclear power in any way. I DO NOT THINK HE IS RIGHT IN THE HEAD.

However, I also do not believe that the United States invaded Iraq is a good idea. An attack would lead to what? Innocent death? Lower oil prices? The end to an opposition and possible nuclear threat? I don't drive and I don't own a vehicle, so in my eyes I only see one positive in the entire scenario - the end of a possible nuclear threat. Going to war, once again, seems like another political ploy to strengthen the American position in the world and make themselves look like heroes once again. As they "saved the day" in World War II, they shall ride the golden chariot into battle once more here.

But let us remember, that as in World War II, many innocents had already died in an attempt to still the same tyrannical force before the American's came to help. Though I am not a nationalist, I write this with Canada's Peace Corp. in my mind. They serve a better cause then any other military congregation.

"All I know is that I don't know anything." - Socrates in Plato: Symposium and Phaedrus

~ Jordan Lennox