What Is Punk? Written By Chris

Im sick of punk rock elitists ripping on pop punk. I too have been listening to some form of punk for the better part of my life. Does that make me better than anyone else? Am I cooler because I used to have a mohawk and was around back in the day? Does that certify me as a judge of all things punk? I dont think so. Punk isnt about being elite, that is what it is against and if you cant see that you have no business pretending to be part of the scene. Punk is about unity, community and helping each other out, not about shit talking bands on a message board because they make music that people might happen to like. I play in a pop punk band because it is fun, I enjoy it and I like catchy songs. I guess Im not punk then eh? Well if thats the case, then you can keep your elitist scenes because with people like you ruining whats left of it, I would rather not be a part of it. Grow up and get over it. Times change and so does music.