An Untitled Rant by Jordan Lennox

It has been a long time since I wrote anything. Too long perhaps. Alot of people that understood what I had to say are dissapointed that I was struck into silence. So, I will write about that exact issue. Falling into silence.

It is not a fist that makes a difference, although many jocks would tell you different. It isn't about the group you fall into, the style you prescribe too, or the music that you enjoy. The world doesn't revolve around this. It revolves around the idea of speech, and the ability to portray your ideas through this method (literature, music, spoken word). If a million people stood up and punched something, there'd be a loud thud and alot of aching fists. If a million people stood up and shouted the same word, the world would hear - and perhaps something would be done.

Of late I have been in silence. My voice fell from the stool from which I spoke to the floor, where it was trampled. My ideals and morals remained the same, but I saw no need to speak out against the offences produced against myself and the rest of humanity. It became like screaming at a brick wall. No one responded to what I had to say, and no one ever did anything.

I'm only 19... I don't expect for what I write right now to change the world. In fact I know it won't. I know that only a select few people will read it, and of them only a few will bother to read till the end. Perhaps my efforts are futile, then then again - the people that read the entire thing may feel some sort of elation to know that out there somewhere there is someone thinking the same thing.

And so, I suppose, I will begin to speak once again. My voice crackles, my muscles weak as I pull myself back onto the stool. I adjust the mic, hear the feedback and begin to speak:

The world isn't a safe place anymore. I don't know if it was ever a safe place, but when I was young the haven that was my city was never touched by death, war or anything really substantial to paint my view of the world as a bad place. Sure I was taught about the discovery of North America, the slaughter of innocent Indians and the World Wars. But the educational system so down-played these that I really didn't understand the concept of war or genocide.

In modern society we are being forced to take a step back and evaluate our current situation. North America is definately the most powerful "nation" (Yes folks, we are controlled by the United States in more ways then you know) in the world. Thus, how can we expect to avoid destruction? As the U.S. places embargos and utters threats towards Saddam Hussein, we have the North Vietnamese rallying to prepare for war. The Middle East is in such turmoil that even the citizens within each country don't know who to support.

Because of constant interuption by U.S. forces (Operation Desert Storm, the intervention in Somalia) there is a definate hate between the Eastern culture and Western culture. This rift could be the end of many lives, all because of what? Oil? Power?

The U.S. is claiming to be pressuring Iraq because of it's nuclear power. But to every war there is an underlying agenda. It is blatantly obvious that the United States wishes to depose Saddam and take control of the multiple oil feilds within Iraq by setting up a puppet leader.

I don't know really what I'm arguing. I want oil prices to be lower, but I don't want to die in/or live through a nuclear war. Canada has thrown in it's chips with the U.S. almost exclusively, as has Britain. If it comes to war, what targets would I have if I were Saddam Hussein? I'd push three buttons and launch missles at Ottawa, Washington, and London. Not only do these places have high populations, but they are the centres of these nations political power. All it would take is the pressing of three buttons, and poof - we'd be devestated.

I don't know if Canada has nuclear missles... I hope it doesn't, because I like to think of Canada as being the one nation in the entire world that everyone likes. We don't attack people, we don't declare war (Minus the World Wars, but we were dragged into that). We attempt to keep the peace at all costs, and attempt to revitalize fallen nations. We're the one country in the world that can have it's citizens land in any airport and not receive scowls. PEOPLE LOVE US! And why? Because we sacrifice, sweat and toil for peace.

I'm not for or against the military. It's almost required at points, but I do think it's foolish. I'm not going to get into that, for it is far too long an argument. I do feel a sense of pride when I see Canadian troops handing out food in Ethiopia, no weapons in sight. Seeing the Canadian flag beside the Red Cross, not hung as a banner of supremecy, but rather hung lower then the other countries flag, and the waving Red Cross banner.

I don't know anymore who we are as a people. I'm not patriotic. I don't care about the nation anthem. I don't care about our flag. I don't care about our parliment. I care about the people that live within these borders we call our own. I care about the people that live outside the borders. Canada is always depicted as the kind nation, with catch-phrases like "Eh" and all that nonsense. But I know that when I walk down the street almost everyone will smile back if you do first, and I'll always respond with a smile if provided inclination.

That's what makes me proud. That's what makes me nod my head, shrug and say: "Yeah, I'm Canadian." And that's nothing that anyone should ever be ashamed of. You don't have to be patriotic to love the people around you, or love the place you live.

I think I've taken up enough of you time.

Jordan Lennox (Jay Devious)
ICQ: 147536234