Punk In School Written by Jesse S.

Firstly, regarding the anniversery of 9/11. A very tragic thing happened, that's true. On the 11th at my school this year I witnessed something that pissed me off. This guy came in sporting all American clothes and had about 4 American flag attached to his bag. As I said I feel for the deceased, but this guy was very ignorant. Not only were Americans killed in the attacks, but a number of Canadians and other people from different nationalities were lost. If you plan to pay repect, do it right...or not at all. (And the fact that I think that America's retaliation plan was absolute shit doesn't apply here) Enough about this Nationalism stuff...next topic. Today someone who I thought respected those who had there own ideas proved me wrong. Discussing year book plans to my friend (She's on the commitee) I say "Hey! Why not get a group picture of all the people who like punk! It'll be great cause everyone will hate it!" She looks at me and goes "You think you're a punk!? You think anyone at our school is a punk!? You can't be a punk. You have to be a working class person to be punk!" This startled me. I didn't mean to say I was a "punk", but she snapped. Turns out her boyfriend who believes all punks should spike their hair, drop school, do absolute shit, get drunk and shoot heroin all day. A little bit rubs off huh. Finally, I don't understand all these little fucks at my school who made fun of me and my friends last year for dressing different, and then this year they come with skater clothes and dyed hair. They're all "Oh, yeah, punk rock Yo!" Damnit! Stupid Avril Lavigne did this! Anyways...people should just do what they want, act and dress how they want, and not judge other people. Fuck trends. Right. I'm done.