Pollution Written By Jordan Lennox

Although I write this in the aftermath of the incident, I just thought I'd propose my views on the recent garbage workers strike. First off - hoo-rah for the fucking strikers. It's a goddamn shame the government forced them back to work, cause for once maybe the strike would've helped out.

Back to my rant, however. Ernie Eves... What a dolt! Plain and simple. Yes, the garbage was a problem - both health and economic. But Toronto has BIGGER problems. Problems that were outlined years before the strike and garbage pile-up.

Ontario's air quality control warned of Toronto's smog problem nearly a decade before this strike - which seems to have suddenly brought the governments attention to the problem. The A.Q.C. (Air Quality Control) Board even gave statistics supporting their warning - at least 10 people die from smog related deaths in Toronto per year.

Ofcourse, seeing as how we are all merely numerically ordered pegs at the end of the bowling alley - isn't it better that a few are knocked off? Sure, we still putt along in our 1984 Mustang's, that pour toxic waste into our enviroment. Sure, we smoke, litter and do our share of personal polluting - so why should the government care... until now?

The problem with our government isn't that it doesn't listen - it does. If something threatens a political leaders reputation - he/she will do anything to save face- take the enlightening of Ernie Eves with regards to the pollution problem in Toronto (BESIDES THE FACT IT'S ON THE NEWS EVERY FUCKING DAY!). However, the government takes too long to act. Sure, they have been working on cleaning Toronto and making it prettier - so as to attract business and commerce. But what about Hamilton, where those damned stacks pump death by the gallon into the air we breath. Hell, if the wind is right you can smell it as you drive to Toronto. Even St. Catharines, where I live. Port Dalhousie smells like a 3 dollar hookers crotch almost every day. I can't even take my girlfriend for a walk there cause I'm scared I might puke on her shoes. Then there's Thorold. Look at them... There's something in that water, and it runs off into Welland's. Should not particular funding be placed into cleaning and revitalising these area's, as opposed to trimming and organizing parks that are already planted and 'furbished'?

Maybe, seeing as how we are all slowly drowning outselves in the liquid pollution in our lungs, we should abandon our current 'leaders' (who seem too consumed in getting the Olympics to Toronto, which would simply cost money and create more problems) and hire chimps - who are envirmoment friendly - and go the way of the monkey.

~ Jordan Lennox