The Plea For Peace & Importance of Knowledge
Written By Steven Tam

The statement still stands, "there's a bomb in your lunch box, plea for peace." This sentence may seem threatening to some, and I apologize for that. But with the correct understanding it makes perfect sense. The band Anti Flag is a punk group from Pennsylvania, believing that anarchy is the ideal state of government, and who are against almost anything that ends with 'ism'. But most importantly are against war. Thier message is definetly one of the most provocative and realistic in media today. We now live in a world full of hate, war and abuse. War seems to be the way that every nation can settle their differences, for good. On September 11th two planes were crashed into skyscrapers, home to thousands of workers. They did not expect this to happen, nor did the rest of the world, resulting in the complete chaos which followed the disaster. Thus explaining 'there is a bomb in your lunch box' a somewhat metaphorical statement, explaining that there is war and hate in places where you have come to suspect the least, even your lunch box. The readers of my statement, misunderstood the idea as a threat to the receiver. There was no bomb in his lunch box, but the idea that there is the possibility of this, in the worlds current state. You may think that it's a slight exaggeration, but obviously to the people in the WTC that day, it wasn't.

Many students do not understand the effect that the war on Iraq could have on everyday Canadians. There is a thin thread holding down a complete war in America. And living just kilometres from the border I strongly feel that this would effect us. Our lives would be impacted so greatly that our sense of safety and security would be in complete jeopardy. Ignorance is a disability, and it is important that everyone (even students) should recognize the danger that faces us today. We never know when there may be a surprise waiting in our lunch box. The 'plea for peace' is a cry from the believers in the Anti Flag movement, to fight the chance that this war may occur. This situation is not only an entity in the United States but in Canada and the rest of the globe. It may be a stretch to prevent a war by telling your neighbour, but knowledge is like a disease and it spreads quickly. I only feel that it is important that all are aware of the situation. October 26th, the White House in Washington DC was surrounded by activists, and common people, to plea to the president to not go to war. Thousands gathered together to fight, thousands who were aware and who knew that war would only destroy the continent that we live on. Despite their efforts, George Bush refused to surrender. He would not give in, he, alike many past leaders desires glory, and war. 'America is seeing some of the largest anti war protests since Vietnam.' This many people, can't be wrong.

But our efforts are not futile, the more people, the more support. Even people who do not believe in the cause should still recognize and be aware that there is a danger around every corner. "Mobilize for Peace" is the name of the current Anti Flag tour, meaning we must get out of our chairs, and step out of routine in order to achieve a goal, in order to plea for peace. We can all have an effect on the outcome of this ongoing battle with war, because it will eventually effect us all. I am not a part of a cult, or a gang. Only a group of people who believe in peace rather than war. There are always alternative solutions, lets help those who are in power recognize them.

School has the largest impact on a teenagers life, whether they succeed or fail in life, all depends on what they accept to learn while spending fourteen of their years in a classroom. What we are taught in class as an everlasting effect on our live. Since the terrorist attacks, I have not once been asked about them in the classroom. Not one discussion had been sparked about our safety or how we feel about the war on the Middle East. In a day and age where you cant let your children walk down the street at night, or wonder if that plane flying over your head will ever land, is it not important that the students are educated or at least informed of these happenings? We spend the year learning about how the second world war effected the economy and political structure of Canada, but what if this happened again tomorrow? Is a war that happened decades ago more important than the one that is waiting around the corner? I am sure that there are so many questions students have to ask, so why haven't they been given the opportunity? I took it upon myself (which was obviously the wrong decision) to try to inform a friend, with a simple ten word message, cant the board of education address the issue as well? A war would effect your life as much as it would effect mine, therefore it is important for the student body to know. Whether it is a short message over the internet, or a one day discussion in class, in my opinion I feel that the topic should be addressed by the school if a student isn't allowed to do it himself.

"In war you kill the victims of the tyrant you are fighting against" Howard Zinn. The people need to know.

Anti Flag, The Revolution, The Understanding Taken from www.punkbands.com/antiflag

"Anti-Flag does not mean Anti-American. Anti-Flag means anti-war. Anti-Flag means the common people of the world are better off living in unity and peace. Anti-Flag means to stand against corporate greed that hurts millions while benefiting a handful of extremely rich. Anti-Flag means to fight against mindless nationalism. Anti-Flag means unity."

Thank you to everyone, Anarchy, Peace, Unity

Principal (Attatchment)
As you are aware, I was suspended Monday afternoon for inappropriate use of an electronic device. I understand the purpose for my punishment, and am not arguing with it. But what I would like to discuss is something that came up in my conversation with the vice principal. The email that I sent read 'There's a bomb in your lunch box, plea for peace.' And he mentioned the words 'in this day and age that is inappropriate' relating to my statement. I feel very strongly about him bringing the words 'in this day and age' into our talk, and I was not given the opportunity to explain myself during our discussion. I have taken an extensive amount of time out of my 'break' from school to attempt to explain myself, and the meaning behind the short email. Please do not suspend me for anything I bring up in my report, I have spent many hours researching and writing in an attempt to share my views and opinions with you. I hope this has some effect on our class topics in the months to come. I have given it all I have, please hear me out, enjoy.