Who Needs Money Anyway? by the Last Degrassi Dropout

What I want to know is which sick evil person decided to make money. I mean, one day, someone just woke up, chopped down a tree, made it into paper, colored it, and said that his piece of paper was worth goods, simply because he said so. Obviously whoever this person was was in a position of some political or social power, or maybe it was just the illuminati screwing up the world again like always. I just the world would be a much better place if everybody weren't so obsessed with making money. Think about it. If everybody wasn't so fucking greedy things wouldn't cost so much, so we wouldn't need so much in the first place. I guess everybody just want's more money. Personally I wish I never had to ever need money. Unfortunately we all remain enslaved to money. We have to work these shitty jobs that take up 95% of our lives and end up causing more stress than anybody should ever need. We spend years training ourselves in school so we can make money and then spend another 40 years trying to make enough to not work and still live...if we don't end up dead before then. So I have decided to burn some money today. It's only paper with ink on it. I don't care that the paper has a number 20 and a dollar sign on it. It's totally worthless to me. In fact I put more value in a drawing of a two year old than money. Why can't people learn to start living their lives and stop being slaves. I could do it on my own, but I would be labeled crazy, and end up some bum drinking lysol and drano on a street corner for the rest of my life. All I want is to have a small portion of land that belongs to me and not to some government. Something big enough to grow enough food for myself and anybody who wants to live with me, along with my home. But unfortunately we cannot go back to the wild. We cannot go back to nature. Our society is too fucked up for that. The only way to do this is to have a revolution and burn all of these cities to the ground. I want to see the skyline in flames, I want to see all the money burned to ashes, and melted down into something else. I want to see the stock market crash, and destroyed, every brick in the building. I want to see politicians running away from angry mobs and the police throwing off their uniforms and joining into one people screaming FREEDOM! I DO NOT WANT TO BE A SLAVE TO THIS WORLD ANYMORE! Destroy the system, destroy everything that has been built. I want to start this world over again. Think about it.