How To Destroy The Oldest Democracy In South America, And Turn A Peace Loving Nation Into A Slaughterhouse Written By Michael Cascone

The following is an excerpt from my essay: External "villains" pressure Americans to move beyond their isolationist tendecies.

It's pretty fucking ridiculous what the Americans have the power to do.

"...Another pivotal example is former Chilean President Salvador Allende Gossens. Known internationally as simply Allende, he was the first Socialist to be elected president of Chile. Allende was freely elected multiple times in Chile and was considered a "champion of the poor". He brought about change, but did not believe in violent revolution. At that time, the American government considered socialist or communist governments improper and disagreed with countries that supported them. Therefore, although he was bringing impressive positive change to Chile, Allende often alienated Americans through his beliefs and policies. The main problem the United States had with Allende was his program to nationalize American corporations. Even though he was pro-democracy, it was his socialist policies that caused President Nixon to turn him into an external adversary of the American government. Americans viewed Allende as a problem that needed to be eliminated so they sent at least $10 million to Chilean groups and parties that opposed his rule. On September 11, 1973, Americans once again left their shell of isolationism and openly orchestrated a massive, violent military coup that killed Allende and several of his Cabinet members. A new, pro-American government was set up in Chile and almost 20 years of military dictatorship followed. This move by the Americans is widely considered to be an overly aggressive act and is criticized internationally. Overall, the Americans used Allende as a scapegoat of sorts and as an excuse to overthrow an effective Chilean government because they didn't conform to American conventionalism. Allende is a classic example of Americans using an external "villain" to move beyond their isolationist inclination. Much like the others, the Allende situation ended in violent militaristic action that, in the end, was not justified and was not in response to a direct attack on America."

By: Michael Cascone

any comments? -- shaguar41@hotmail.com