Capitalism - Thought Control Or Corporations For The Masses? Written By Michael Cascone

cap-i-tal-ism - An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market

So...What's the deal with capitalism? it's kinda shitty eh? I'm no politican but we learned a bit about capitalism in history yesterday and it seems pretty crappy to me. In my opinion the gist of it is the rich are getting more money while the poor get poorer. It's ridiculous. All the money goes to the huge, faceless corporations that controls an entire monopoly which dictates the prices we pay for things. All in all, these huge corporations not only control our life, but screw over the smaller businesses. There are new McDonalds and Wal-Marts and other big name stores popping up everywhere and I think they'll soon control everything unless we make a difference. Without our money (our = the general population) these companies are worthless. It amazes me how we continue to buy products from these big name stores and at the same time drive the local shops out of business. I'm not just bitching about everyone else either, I'm talking about me too.

I think the lead singer of the BFG's put it best when he said, "There are big name stores everywhere and they're all fucking you in the ass." Personally I think he's right and we should all ask ourselves the question, "Is this really where I want to spend my money?" I dont know about everyone else but I work fucking hard for my money seeing as how I don't have a job and I don't want to spend it at any more massive, bullshit stores. I would rather see a local merchant with my money than have it go towards the insurance on some rich guy's third ferrari and a new cattle ranch for his greedy money sucking corporation. The stores that cut down quality so they can lower the price and run the local business into the ground should be stopped bfore it's too late. So next time you see a McDonalds do a drive-thru-fire-in-the-hole run for please, 'cause God knows I will...

By: Michael Cascone

email any comments to: shaguar41@hotmail.com