Pocket Fuzz

They recently put out a 5 song EP called "Nothing". When I first heard the CD, the first thing that came into mind was Blink-182. I get the impression that their singer is attempting to mimick the likes of Blink, and there is a slight lack of originality in that sense. I do believe that these guys have talent in writing their own music, and for their first EP it isn't at all that bad. Together as a band there is potential here, I just think the singing throws it off a bit (not to rag on the singer!). This album does have some catchy songs like the second track "Bitter" as well as "Searching", the fourth track. I have no doubt that with more experience and practice will result in a even better second release by this band. Check out more mp3s at www.mp3.com/pocketfuzz.
Reviewed by Shane Macaulay

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