Wallowing In Ignorance


January 31 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Could you introduce the band by name, age and position in the band?
Matty is the singist/screamist, he's 15. Mike (a.k.a Chunk or Heavy-C) is the drummist, he's 17. Ed is one of two guitars, he's 15. Dan is the other guitarist, he's also 15. timo (no capital letter please) is the bassist. We all do backup vocals too.

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound:
It started in the grade 8 art room, the idea came up, and the band started as a blink 182 cover band, with two acoustic guitars (dan and matty) and no bass or drums. Eventually we all met up, we just met Mike at last year's battle of the bands. We play a bit of everything, mostly melodic punk, and we're working on some ska-core stuff.

What are your hobbies outside of the band:
Matty does macromae (not kidding, he's good at it), timo and Dan skate, Ed attempts to skate. Mike doesn't do much, but he knows how to play dungeons & dragons.

I see one of you plays the banjo as well do you ever use it in any of your shows at all:
Yeah Dan plays banjo. We haven't used it at shows or in any songs yet, but we're planning on putting it in a few songs. It'll be neat.

Congrats on winning the battle of the bands, thats a great honour, what was it like:
We were REALLY surprised when they said our name, we expected Tofu Kitchen to win. It's very neat. Super-rad. We won 10 hours of recording, so we'll be using that in the near future.

What's the punk scene like in Owen Sound:
The OS punk scene is... sleeping. And ever so slowly waking up. Apparently it used to be big, but that was when we were wee youngns. It's got some awesome bands though, like Plaid Thermoses, Four Letter Favourite, and Tofu Kitchen.

If you could play with anyone in the world, any place, who would it be & > where:
Ed: Catch 22 on the moon.
Matty: Ricky Martin, in the depth of his closet.
Mike: Propagandhi... on top of the Eiffle Tower.
Dan: Rancid, in his attick, where we practice.
timo: Anti-Flag, in boggle (...?)

For the female fans boxers or briefs:
Dan wears a thong, matty claims to wear tampons... Mike wears ripped boxers, Ed - sometimes, and Tim said boggle (I don't know...)

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years:
Headlining a shiteload of tours. Maybe have a couple full length albums out, and playing on all the major talkshows like Rosie and Lenno.

Where can the fans learn more about you & purchase any merchandise you have for sale:
Our website, www.wallowinginignorance.cjb.net. We don't have any merch, we're too poor, but feel free to write our name on a shirt with a marker. We appreciate it. Also check out the Rad Rec site (geocities.com/radrec).

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