Trik 13


February 02, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Hi guys, first can you introduce the band by name age & postion in the group?
Hi, I'm James, the lead guitarist. Brandon rythm guitar. Josh bass and Mike drums.

How did the band form & how did you select the name of Trik 13?
The band formed basically after Me(Mike), James and Brandon went to a Blink 182 concert. We all knew how to play our instruments it just never really occured to us to form a band. When we got home we were so stoked and james started to make up guitar parts for songs. Josh, we knew was a huge fan of blink 182 and he had a bass guitar so we got him to come and play with us, he was so good, to us that is. lol. (j/k). After that we all started writing songs and became a band.

What hobbies do you each have outside the band?
James: I skateboard a lot and snowboard but guitar takes up most of my spare time, and I also have to make sure Josh doesn't get to carried away with male stripping, hahah. (j/k)

For the female fans, boxers or briefs? And for the guys, what's each or your best pickup lines?
For the ladies! haha Mike wears boxers, but other band mates have had ocassions where we've caught him in male thongs, so we're not too sure. James wears silk boxers, Brandon wears FLANEL and josh wears whitey tighty with pink hearts on it, lol. Josh: HEY, no it's not true he wears boxers.

We understand the band has recently received a manager. How are things working out with that?
Yeah, YOU kevin Pollock, he's cool he's got a good sense of humor and with us you HAVE to have that, lol, and I think he knows that. He's cool about shows too, he sets us up with some pretty crazy bands, like Some Guys and on march 1, 11 minutes away. It's awesome we're hoping he'll take us to the top!

If you could play with any band, anywhere, who would it be and where?
We all agree that it would be Blink 182 at any place in the world. Blink is our main inspiration for music and humor, lol. I think we'd all pee our pants if we ever played with blink.

Whats been your highlight moment & most embarassing moment as a band so far?
Our highlight is everytime we play with each other (musically) that's what we love to do, it's sooo rad that we can just take a break from school, girls, parents and just not care and play our songs and it makes us feel better. We're stoked every time we get to play infront of people too. Whether it be 10 or 100 it doesn't matter. Embarrassments don't happen with us. It is impossible to make us blush! You could run up and pull James' pants down while he's playing and he'd keep on playin. That's just the way we are, you know? We just don't care, it's all a joke to us, lol.

How is the punk sceane in London, Ontario?
The punk scene in London is pretty gnarly. There are so many good talented bands in London. We are so stoked to be able to play with them, you know? London needs a few more places that accept punk music, like Call the Office, but we're happy with the punk scene as it is right now.

If you could change one thing about yourselves what would it be?
Mike: WE WANT TO CHANGE THE VOCALS, James and Josh like to pretend they're Brittany Spears and Whitney Houston! Hahahaha, no we're happy the way we are, we're still basically a new band, so we haven't really worried about things to change just yet. We're still writing our music the way we like it. We hope to get feedback from the fans though so that will help us, I guess!?

Any plans for recording in the future?
Yeah, the band is considering to options right now. We might go into the studio in a few months, or wait till the summer and record for longer. We're not really sure what we're gonna do yet but we're definately gonna have something recorded soon!!!!! Or Brandon's gunna FLIP out. lol.

Where can the fans learn more about you?
Ummm, you can come out to our shows, or go to our website, (best viewed through internet explorer) We're relly nice guys except Mike, he's a girl (he told me last night).

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