

May 01, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band names, ages & position in the band?
We are Split*75:
Greg Mullins 16 - Guitar/Vocals/Drums
Rob Greenwell 15 - Bass/Vocals
Brad Fisher 16 - Drums/Guitar

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound?
The band formed in 1999 when Rob & Brad entered a talent show in school. They put Greg's name on the sign-up sheet without him knowing. Those bastards. But it turned out all good. Our sound if we compared it to other bands, would be a mix of blink182/Fenix TX/mxpx. Does that make sense?

How would you describe the punk sceane in Georgetown?
Georgetown for being a small town, is an awesome punk town. Everybody likes it pretty much. And the people support all the G'town punk bands. Even if they suck, they supported them. I guess on behalf of Georgetown, we represent the punkers along with the other bands from Georgetown.

What are some of your hobbies outside of the band?
Greg - He plays rep soccer, writes songs, and plays Nascar Thunder 2002 on PS2. That's about it.
Rob - plays golf during the summer, write songs
Brad - plays in a Toronto band called Onyx Angel. With our band he helps writes the music with us.

Who writes your songs? Is it one person or a whole band effort?
Greg and Rob usually write most of the songs. Brad will pitch in every once-in-a-while but he mostly just puts drum beats behind the music.

For the girls boxers or briefs & for the guys whats your best pickup line?
Greg - Boxers
Rob - Boxers
Brad - Nothing. (he goes commando)
Pickup Line - You must be a wrench cause you make my nuts tighten up.

Where do you see the band in 5- 10 years time?
In 5-10 yrs from now we would probably be 5-10 yrs older.

If you could play with anyone & anywhere who would it be & where?
We would definately play with blink 182 at the Sky Dome.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
As a band, we would change our practicing schedule
Greg would change his voice and his underwear
Rob would change his clothes because they are starting to smell
Brad would change his face because he is very unattractive.

Where can the fans learn more about the band & order your merchandise?
They can visit http://split75.tripod.com we have limited merch. It's so limited you gotta enter a contest to get it. Sorry.

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