

February 16 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Can you introduce the band by name age & postion in the group:
Mike Horoky, 16, guitar/vocals
B brent Chenier, 15, bass/lead vocals
Griffin Atfield, 14, drums

How long has the band been together & how did you select your name Some Guys?
Late August, we had the name for a while and we got it cuz we we're desperate for a name because we did jagstock at our school.

What has been your best hightlight as a band so far?
When some guy crowd surfed at a show and smacked his face on the pipes near the ceiling.

I see your currently recording your demo cd, how is it going & do you have any advice for other bands ready to record for the first time?
Make for damn sure you know what songs you wanna record and they are your best ones.

How do you find the punk scene in London, Ontario? I understand your getting a good following?
We all think the scene isn't big enough and our following is ok, but it will grow.

What kind of equipment do you have & do you have any stage crew at all?
Mike and Brent have shit...ya shit is the only word for it and Griffin the weiner head has $10000000000000000000000 drums and stuff like pa gear. We have a sound guy, Mark......he beats us up.

How has being on helped you?
(whispers) shit guys whats!!!!!!!!

If you could play with any band anywhere who would it be & where?
BigWig in the shittiest shithole in the ass crack of any town. Griffin: System of a Down anywhere.

What hobbies do you each have outside the band? kinda rhymes with motivation, good poops on goood toilets, stealing straws.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years time?
Griffins garage.

Where can the fans learn more about you buy merchandise or contact you for a booking?
Our web page,
Booking email:

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