Room Without a View


March 21, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band, ages & position in the band?
Rick Antaya(19 years old) - Bass/Vocals
Shawn Lyons(18 years old) - Guitar/Vocals
Steve Reaume(18 years old) - Drums
Jason "Farley" MacFarlane(16 years old) - Guitar/Vocals.

How did Room Without A View form & how do you describe your sound?
We formed back in the summer between grade school and high school. Which is, if I recall correctly, the summer of 98'. We should write a song called that. Doesn't have the same ring as 69' thou.. Anyway. back to my story. 3 "smart" kids decided to try their hand at music. Those kids Rick, Shawn and Steve. They sucked, but that didn't stop them making asses out of themselves. Well a few years went by and out came the Goldfish Bowl EP, after the band wasn't ashamed anymore. This brought on much goodness, such as many more shows and even a spot at the 2001 Vans Warped Tour in Detroit. Well then blah blah blah, then about 7 months ago the band added exceptional guitarist Jason "Farley" MacFarlane. As for our sound, it's hard to describe, we try to be as diverse as possible. I've never really been able to compare us to anything that's out there. However, here are a few bands that other people(zines, labels, fans) have compared us to Dynamite Boy we are often compared to. Zebrahead and Sloppy Meateaters is another. We've been told once by a zine that we had a FAT coading on us. That was pretty sweet. Face to Face, Lagwagon are some others I've heard. Now I'm not saying we sound like any of these people, cause I idelize all these bands. But these are some that people have said.

What kind of equipment do you each use?
Rick uses a Ibanez SR800 bass, Yorkville 400, Yorkville 15" and 4x10 cabinets. Shawn uses a Custom Cort Strat guitar, Marshall Valvestate 100H, 4x12 Marshall and 4x12 Crate cabinets. Steve uses Yamaha Stage Custom drums, zildjian and sabian cymbols. Farley uses a Epiphone Les Paul Studio guitar, Fender Telecaster guitar, Dunlop Crybaby Wah, Crate halfstack.

Whats been your favourite & most embarassing moments as a band?
Favourite moments include recent ones, when we jumped on the end of the Sewing With Nancie/Flashlight Brown tour. We jump on for the last 3 shows, Windsor, Simcoe, and Chatham. I could fill pages with the stories from those 3 days, so instead I'll just sum it up the best I can remember. Windsor was a blast, partying back on Juice's house(Drummer, SWN). That was where we were introduced to the wonderfull world of DICE. DICE a game Flashlight Brown learned while on tour with Mad Caddies. It's a gambling game that is the most fun you'll ever have with 5 little dice. But anyway, I(rick) went on to win like 80 bucks that night, therefore scoring the band enough money to stay in a hotel with the other bands the following night in Simcoe. So after the show in Simcoe the saga contiues, bunch of us luxing it right up in a Holiday INN. We're all gathered round this small little table rolling dice all night. I(rick) however decided to lay off the dice, seeing as I had scored enough flow already, however the rest of the guys in the bands had something else in mind. They wanted their money back from me, so they maded me play in every round. Bad idea, I ended up walking away with about another 50 bucks. What a great weekend, what I can remember of it anyway... As for the most embarassing moment, can't really think of one, we are so laid back and outgoing, it's hard to embarass us... really.

I see you have a cd out how long did it take to record & get out? How are sales doing?
Yupper, we have one disc out, by the name of The Goldfish Bowl EP. This disc was a good start and a good way to start charging into the scene. It was recorded in less than a weeks time on a very low budget. Sales have been good, we've sold far over 350 copies. It's pretty much sold out now, and we are just debating on whether we will make any more of it. REASON being our new CD is due out in April, this is a huge step for us, our best recordings to date. As far as we figure. But we'll let the fans decide that one. Look for it soon, it's going by the name of "Morningwood"

If you could play with anyband anywhere in the world who whould it be & where?
I(Farley) can't speak for the rest of the band, but for me I would probably have to say Jimmy Eat World. They don't really fit our music style, but I f**king love thoes guys. But on a more punk rock sound I would probably go with Diesel Boy. As Farley said I(rick) can't speak for the whole band, but i would love to play with a pile of bands, hard to pick just one, Millencolin, NOFX(oh yeah!), Face to Face, lagwagon, damn sorry, I better stop. And as for the place, there's only one in mind. Austriallia, oh yeah, nothing against Canada and US fans, we love you all, you guys know that. It's just we've been requested to play over there countless times, and it's be sweet to actully get the chance to.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years?
Older, not wiser, still punk.

If any record labels are reading this right now what would you like to say to them & why should they sign you to the label?
Keep up the good job of releasing kickass music. There's tons of it out there, and there's tons of it still to be found and signed, *wink* *wink*. Have my people call your people, we'll do lunch. But really, drop us yer mailing address and we'll shoot you a copy of the new EP "Morningwood" when it's out in April. I'm not gonna say why you should sign us, cause you have your own reasons for signing a band. We love what we do, we do it well and we work hard.... So just check us out.

Has being here on helped your fan base grow & expand?
yah, has killer thing going on... People like yerself and Shane keep this scene going and we thank you for that. Any exposure that anyone gives to us we appriciate. So yah, I'm sure has helped us out with our fan base and we thank them for the continued support.

Where can the fans learn more about you and buy your CD or any merchandise?
Like we said the new CD is due out in April and will be availble right off the site . The old CD can be ordered from us or . There you can also download tunes and such.. Check out out site at to learn more about us. Email us at we also like hearing from anyone, and we will always write back if you ask us to. And remember there is no such thing as a dumb question when your asking us, cause we'll just give you a dumb answer anyway! We will have a lot more merch soon. Such as t-shirts, stickers, posters and more. So join our mailing list(found on out site) to keep up to date with Room Without A View.
Thanks a lot.

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