Rear View


April 02, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band names, ages & position in the band?
Name: Rear View
Bob Glassford, 17 - Guitar, Vocals
Bryan Kish, 17 - Bass, Vocals
Duncan Miles, 17 - Drums

How did the band form & how would you describe the sound?
We have been best friends all of our lives, but Bryan and I (Bob) started to mess around with music when we were in like grade 7. It was weird because we've experimented with so many different arrangements between us. At first I played drums and Bryan played guitar. Then in about grade 8 or so both Bryan and I were playing guitar. Then finally we've come upon how we are today. As far as our sound goes we've got pretty up-beat riffs, some clean, some distorted. We've got bass solos, guitar solos, and drum solos. We'd pretty much class ourselves as modern punk or pop punk. I like 'modern punk' better because 'pop' just makes me think of a group of guys who sing and don't play their own instruments.

Whats been your best moment as a band so far?
Our best moment as a band so far is just during and after each show, how the kids respond. We love it, and we love playing live. We always goof off and stuff on stage, which is just a indicator of what we're like off stage. We're always doing something to amuse ourselves or other people.

Outside the band what hobbies do you each have?
Duncan - working, playing nintendo.
Bryan - working, working on cars and engines.
Bob - playing hockey, working, sitting infront of the computer.

For all the ladies boxers or briefs & for the guys best pickup lines?
Bryan - Boxers.
Bob - Briefs.
Duncan - Boxers
Best pick up line:
Bob - Is that a mirror in your pocket cuz I can see myself in your pants

What kind of equipment do you each use?
Bryan - Barracuda bass guitar, Peavey amplifier.
Bob - Fender Strat, Crate amplifier
Duncan - Procussion Drums, Sabian cymbals.

Any plans for recording in the future?
Yeah, actually were recording some demos right now. We still have a few things to finish up but they will be done soon.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years?
In 5 to 10 years hopefully our band will be as far as we can possibly be. We will definitely have a full length record out by then and hopefully more. We're still looking for a record label right now so hopefully we will be signed then also.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
We've all pretty much agreed that if we could change one thing about ourselves, we'd be smarter.

Where can the fans learn more about you & buy your merchandise?
Yeah we've got a website,, where you can check us out. We've got some t-shirts, and pictures, and video clips, and lots more.

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