

March 06, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band name, age & postion in the group?
My name is Steve Tyler, I am 17 and play drums in the band. Tony Cuomo is 17 and plays guitar/lead vocals. Tommy Krumins is 16 and plays bass/backup vocals.

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound?
Well Tony and I have been playing together for 4 years now. We've been through so many guitar and bass players. Then one sunny afternoon in May of 2000 Tony's guitar teacher told us that he had a student that was into punk and played bass. So, we tried him out and we thought he was awesome. He's been with us ever since. As for our sound, we are a very fast skate punk band with influences like NOFX, pennywise, good riddance, bigwig and rise against. we are trying to incorporate a more technical and melodic sound now.

What are your hobbies outside the band?
I love just hanging out with friends, getting drunk and going to shows. Tony pretty much does the same thing. Tommy is more conservative, he likes reading, computers, art and web design.

What's your favourite subject & worst subject in school?
Right now Iam currently working at a recording studio in Oakville for co-op. So I would have to say co-op is my favourite subject. For me, Tony, I like english. Tommy's favourite subjects are Cumputer Science and Chemisty. His worst subject is Media Studies.

What's your highlight been as a band so far?
The highlight for me was the first time we played at the Burlington Y. I have never seen the place so packed and the people just went crazy. It was so much fun.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years?
I hope to see the band touring constantly and putting out records. Or living on the street begging for a show.

How is the punk scene in Oakville?
What scene? it seems like the Oakville scene has moved into Burlington. I hardly hear of shows in Oakville anymore, except for the ones I've put on. I WISH Oakville had a few more promoters and venues because we've got some kick ass bands that have come out of Oakville.

How has being on Ontariopunk.com helped the band?
Ontariopunk.com helps the band by advertising the shows that are put on and it also helps to get bands names out there.

If you could play with any band anywhere who would it be & where?
BERKLEY, CALIFORNIA with NOFX or bigwig or AFI(that would be funny).

What type of equipment do you use?
I use a Yahaha custom maple kit(maroon)with Pearl hardware and Sabian symbols. I, Tony, use a Ibenez ax120 and Marshal JCM 800. Tommy uses a Washburn xb-100 with Ernie Ball Strings and a Yorkville BassMaster400 and 2 4x10 custom built cabs.

Where can the fans learn more about Outlet?
You can check us out on the web at listen.to/outlet. or you can e-mail us at writeoutlet@hotmail.com. Better yet, come to a show.

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