Lucky 13


February 05 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Hi there, first can you introduce the band to us, by name, age & postion in the group?
Jake Verkerke- 14, (drums and backups)
Garth- 11 (guitar/vocals)
Sam Dick- 14 (guitar/vocals)
Dan Hoshoian- 13 (bass/vocals)

You're all starting young & Garth at 11-12 is one of the youngest band members I've heard of. Do you feel it's an advantage to you, to start so young?
It just gives us more time to make music while we’re still young, pissed off and full of energy. We do lose a lot of respect because of our age though, most people think young means untalented but Garth is a great lyricist and a good guitar player.

How did you choose your name & how would you describe your sound?
We chose our name cause 13 is an unlucky number so we thought it would be cool if we called ourselves Lucky 13. We play all different kinds of music, we are a mixture between NOFX and Nirvana. We like to try to use a lot of the different kinds of punk instead of focusing on one sound.

What are your hobbies outside of the band:
Jake-Playing different instruments, filming stuff, working on the site.
Garth-Snowboarding, playing lacrosse, masturbating and playing guitar.
Sam- Masturbating, playing guitar, playing lacrosse, water skiing, and masturbating.
Dan- I play in another punk band, surf the web and shit like that.

What kind of equipment do you each use?
Jake- Westbury 5 pc. set and my crappy high voice
Garth- Ibanez guitar, backed with a Stage amp.
Sam- Jay turser 7 string guitar, Stage 6-string guitar backed with a stage amp.
Dan- Hamer bass backed with a Crate amp.

For the ladies boxers or briefs & for the guys favourite sport:
Jake-boxers (tighty whities rip too easy), and skateboarding kicks.
Garth- no thanks im not hungry, lacrosse.
Sam-boxers or briefs? What the hell is this, YM magazine?
Dan- boxers, and hockey.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years from now:
We think that we will be playing with some cool bands and touring.

How do you find the punk scene in Cambridge & do you find it easy to get shows:
Cambridge has a great punk scene considering its not that big. There's a lot of great bands here and the ones we’ve talked to seem pretty interested in playing with us, even though our age throws them.

If you could play with any band anywhere who whould it be & where:
Jake-Green Day or Blink 182 in a public bathroom.
Garth-Our Lady Peace, 1995 (when they were still good) in Cambridge
Sam- The Ramones in New York City
Dan- The Offspring and NOFX in Toronto.

What's been your highlight as a band so far & your most embarassing momment as a band so far?
Our highlight as a band was playing our first show in Sam’s back yard, that was also an embarassment. But the bands biggest embarassment is Dan.


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