

March 04, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band names, ages & position in the band?
Adam Childs 22 years old- Bassist
Toby Cavan 20 years old- Drums/vocals
Jeremy Cavan 21 year's young- Lead Guitar/ Vocals
Tavis Baird 21 year's young- Rhythm Guitar/ Mechanics .

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound?
JerryCan Started out as an organized religion used to cheat the government out of valuable tax dollars. When songs like our first hit "Cold skin, hot body (a song about necrophilia)" weren't getting the airplay we wanted, we switched to a more political style of lyrics. Our sound can be described as heavy music with integrity; it has also been described as "nothing like a basketball game" by sports illustrated.

What equipment does JerryCan use?
For Bass we use a Marshall bass head with an old Ampeg stack, and a Fender precision bass as well as a Thunderbird Bass. For Guitar amps we use a Fender Dual Showman head with a Hiwatt stack and a Peavey Head with a Peavey stack, for guitars we use two Stratocasters a Jagmaster a Godin and a Dillion SG rip off. For drums it's Fibes all the way with Yamaha Cymbal stands and Sabian Cymbals .

What has been the bands biggest moment so far?
The biggest highlight we've experienced as a band so far would definitely be a halogen light we saw in Banff. It must have been on a two hundred foot pole as well as being on top of a 8,000 ft. mountain and must have been three feet in diameter.

If you could play for any band, who would it be, and where?
If we could play with any band it would definitely be with Air supply. Their emotional songs and utilization of hazy fog around the edges of the images in their music videos makes our entire band weak at the knees. As for the venue we'd choose Keith Richards apartment, because he's such a looker!

How has helped the band? has helped us by giving us lots of much needed exposure, and by providing lots of info on a whole whack of punk stuff! also allowed us to profess our love for Air Supply on the World Wide Web.

What do you like to do with your free time?
We all like to drink and listen to Air Supply as well as call the members of Air Supply and breathe heavily into the receiver and hang up before they can track the call.

Can you give new bands who are just starting out some advice?
Work hard, don't set your aspirations too high, or was that set your aspirations high… We don't know, make sure you can play your instrument that always helps .

What are your plans for the future?
We should be doing a cross-country tour of Canada in July 2002! Be there or be square.

Where can the fans find out more about JerryCan & purchase your merchandise?
Fans and people looking to blackmail us can learn more from our website at WWW.JERRYCAN.COM there's all sorts of merchandise and info as well as tour dates, be sure to check it out.

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