

March 10, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Can you introduce the band to us by name, age & postion in the group?
Darrell Rithchie, born December 22,1984 - Plays guitar,sings,writes songs
Bryan White,born July 14,1984 - Plays bass and drums
Derek Bye, born May 5,1985 - Plays guitar
Dan Meyer, born october 19,1984 - Plays drums,bass and writes songs.

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound?
Me and Bryan have been friends since grade ,4 we went to the same schools and in grade 9 we met Darrell. We all started hanging out then we formed a band in the summer of 2000. We started out as a 3 piece metal band that consisted of Me, Darrell and Bryan...i can't remember what we were called but we sounded like a mix of metallica and silverchair. Then in the winter of 2000 we got into the punk scene and we started writing our own music. We played a lot of basement shows at Darrells house. Then one of our old friends Gord joined the band on guitar. After a few months he left. Then in october 2001 Darrell's old friend Derek got in contact with us and had said that he plays guitar and is looking to join a punk band. So at my birthday party Derek came down and tried out. We all decided that he would be a good addition to the band. Ever since then we have been making music together.

What hobbies do you all have outside the band?
Dan- I skateboard, hang out with friends, go to a lot of local shows and i work. Darrell- I skateboard,go to a lot of parties ,hang out with friends and i work. Bryan- Listening to tunes and going to shows. Derek- I skateboard, work and i play guitar and trumpet in the band x-aust.

What kind of equipment do you each use?
6 piece pearl drumkit, bass master 1000, peavy guitar amplifiers, Gibson guitars and a fender bass.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years?
We see ourselves still playing in a band together and having a hell of a lot more songs. hopefully we'll find a label who will take us in and we'll probably have a bunch of records. Even if we dont get on a label we will still be writing and playing our own music!

Who are your musical influences?
Choking victim, A.F.I, Misfits, the Descendents, Fall Silent, Pennywise, Dropkick Murphys, The Ataris, Rancid, Nofx, Propagandhi, P.F.A, Screeching Weasel, Bane, Poison The Well, and many more.

How has being on helped you? has helped us out a lot, And continues to help us by having us on the page. A lot of people have told us that they have seen us on the ontario punk page and have checked out our website. Basically they helped us be known throughout Ontario.

What has been your best & your most embarassing moment as a band?
We feel our best moment is yet to come but this one time before Derek joined we got all drunk and we were playing a show. Darrell was jumping on a trampoline while we were playing and he fell off and busted the guitar and we had to stop playing 'cause that was the only guitar we had.

I see your demo tape is out of print. Is there a CD coming in the future?
We hope to record an independent C.D. this summer it will have 10-15 songs on it.

Where can the fans learn more about Gleet?
They can learn more by coming to show or cheking us out at

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