The FTA's


January 25 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

January 25, 2002

Could you introduce the band by name, age and position in the band?
derek- guitar, vocals
neil- bass, vocals
choda- drums

How did the band form & how did you chose the name the FTA's:
nothing else to do
FTA stands for nothing

How is the Punk sceane in Kitchener/CAmbridge:
sad but true...can't ask for much more

How has being on helped the band:
it hasn't

What hobbies do you each have outside the band:
smoking pot and drinking hard liquor

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years time:
touring the States, tryin' to shake off drug habits/addictions

If you could play with any band, anywhere, who whould it be?
derek- AFI- Austin, TX
neil- at the drive-in- Mexico
choda- death by stereo- in neil's basement

To each of you for the female fans boxers or briefs
boxers, and mind your own business

What kind of equipment do you each use:
shitty equipment that'll be broken by the time you read this interview.
derek's got a nice guitar

What has been your best moment as a band so far:
who the fuck knows

Where can the fans learn more about you & do you have any merchandise for sale:
the website ( ) a new ep to be released by march, stickers and t-shirts available in the spring.

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