Flashlight Brown


February 28, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Could you introduce the band by name, age and position in the band?
Fil Bucchino - Bass & Vocals
Mike Conroy - Lead Guitar
Matt Hughes - Guitar & Vocals
Tim Thomson - Drums

How did the band get started & how did you choose your name of Flashlight Brown?
We were all in other bands and met each other and started jamming. The name Flashlight came from a Parliament song, and the name Flashlight Brown came after we found out there was already a Flashlight in the states.

I see you have many cd's & Comps to your credit how has your sound & style changed or progressed since the first was produced in 1996?
We started out as a ska punk band and slowly progressed to just playing fast melodic tunes without the ska.

You've preformed in the US & all across Canada, whats been your highlight & favourite moment over the years?
The first big tour we ever did was the most memorable, simply because it's the first and everything's new. We've met a lot of really cool people on tour over the years, and that's probably the second best thing.

If you could play anywhere & with any band who would it be & where?
Las Vegas with Ween.

Outside the band what hobbies do you each have?
Video games, reading, cooking, sports, weed.

How has being on Ontariopunk.com helped the band?
All exposure is good exposure.

What equipment do each of you use?
Matt - Fender guitar and Marshall amp.
Mike - Fender guitar and Fender amp.
Fil - Fender bass and Eden amp.
Tim - DW drums.

What advice whould you give a new young band just getting started?
Record your music as soon as possible and start looking for shows.

Where can the fans learn more about you, get your merchandise or book a show?

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