Fits Like Skin


February 01 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Hi, first can you introduce the band to us name, age & position in the band?
Our band's called Fits Like Skin. I'm 17 and the other two are 16. My name is Sean Cavan and I play guitar and sing. Corey Robinson plays bass and Jacob Cavan plays the drums.

How did the band form & how did you choose your name?
About 3 years ago Jacob and I got together with our friend Ryan and formed a half assed Green Day cover band. We had a bunch of stupid names at first, but settled on Fits Like Skin cause it sounded cool. Ryan shortly left the band and Jacob and I moved to Simcoe. We went through a bunch of different bass players before finding Corey.

How is punk rock scene around Simcoe?
Not much of a scene in Simcoe, but surprisingly in surrounding areas there are shows all the time that are strictly punk.

What kind of equipment do you each use?
I use a Strat and a Hughes and Kettner Tour Reverb. Corey has a Sting Ray and a Ampeg. Jacob has a 4 piece Pearl export drums and Sabian b8 and aax symbols.

What are your hobbies outside the band?
Jacob plays hockey, Corey jams with his other band, and I....don't have one!

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years time?
Hopefully still together. Hopefully we could get on a smaller label and get some distribution, maybe even play on a side stage at the Warped Tour.

What has been your highlight moment as a band so far?
We've had quite a few memorable shows. A few weeks back we played with Flashlight (Brown) and Belvedere. That was really fun. It was the first time we ever played where people really seemed to know our material - people were singing along and stuff, it was really cool. Also, last September we played with Jerrycan and Sector Seven in Orangeville to a crowd of 250. The pits were really big and every one was into us even though they had never heard of us.

How has being on helped you as a band?
We have gotten quite a few more hits on out website, and downloads, even though our mp3 page is down now.

If you could play with any band, anywhere, who would it be & where?
Raised Fist in a small club that's packed with kids going crazy in Toronto.

What was it like recording your first CD & how are sales & shows going since?
Our second cd "Crushing Defeat" was recorded about 5 months ago. We did it independently in a small home made studio. The quality is great for what we payed. Since it's release we've sold about 550 units. We play pretty much every weekend now and sometimes we go on short tours.

Where can the fans find out more about Fits Like Skin & buys your CD?
Our website is You can contact us there and we'll mail you a cd if you're interested. Besides that, you'd have to make it out to one of our shows, which we always try to post on the site.

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