

February 08 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First off can you introduce the band to us by name, age, & postion in the group.
Sure thing partner, to begin:
Mike Seguin - Vocals - 19
Stefan Brierley - Bass - 18
Mike Debaisio - Lead Strings -Vocals - 18
Erik Sharfenberg - Drums- 18
Martin Belzille - 19 - Support Strings

How & when did the band form:
Guys grouped together in the summer of 1999. Boredom fueled their interests and then Fallback was born.

What hobbies & interests do you each have outside of the band:
Mike S - Practices as an artist and amateur comedian
Stefan - Writing, Computer shit, and my girlfriend
Mike D- Learning how to thrash harder and better each time I play
Erik - Drinking Martin - Sleeping

How would you describe your sound & has it changed much over the years from your first CD to the last one in 2001:
Our first recording was when the band was still fairly new. The music was less developed and did not entirely reflect our interests as they stand now. Also, we have begun to uncover our inner aggression, so the music shapes itself around some emotion. The next album due out will also differ from the last one, more mature and diverse.

I see you have a manager, as a manger agent myself, how do you feel its helped the band to have management so early in your career:
We are grateful to be blessed with management. I'm sure many bands starting out don't know the first thing about booking shows, or the music industry. We have been burned and screwed over our fair share, but with management you have the advantage of how to not let that happen…also they do all the dirty work for you

How has being on Ontariopunk.com helped you:
Being on Ontariopunk.com has benefited us greatly, it being a hub where people can check out cool bands in their area, like Life As Usual!

What equipment do you each use:
Mike - A kickass microphone
Stefan - Ibanez Soundgear Sr400 and a Fender Precision Bass through a Laney RGB 400 amp
Mike D- Fender American Strat through a Fender Stage 100 half stack - Death metal foot pedal and earplugs
Erik - Mapex Orion Classic series, black panther snare and zyldian symbols
Martin - Godin SD through a borrowed fender amp

Where do you see the band in 5- 10 years time: 5-10 years?
Hopefully somewhere warm. I can't say that we want the band to be anywhere in particular, we just take it a day at a time and hope things work out.

If you could play with anyone & anywhere who would it be & where:
Either Death By Stereo in the playboy mansion, or Propagandhi..dosent't matter where though.

Any hints of tour in the near future:
Summer 2002 - Ontario/Quebec

Thanks for your time where can the fans learn about Fallback & purchase any merchandise:
To learn about Fallback and their views, check out www.fallbackpunk.com To get Fallback sounds go to www.mp3.com/fallback420 To order cd's and other shit or just to say whats up e mail us at fallback420@hotmail.com

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