End Of Infinity


March 05, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce your names, ages & position in the band?
Mike (17) - lead guitar and vocals
Ryan (16) - backup guitar and vocals
Jon (16) - bass guitar
Derek (19) - drums

How did the band form & how would you discribe your sound?
Mike and Ryan were in a band called HeadLong from the fall of /00 until December /01, while derek was in a band called Blindside about the same time. Jon replaced the bass player in Headlong in November /01. We needed a new drummer for a show in December /01 and got Derek to play the drums for HeadLong at the show. Afterwards, we got rid of our old drummer and made Derek a permanent addition to the band. The type of music we play is a variety. We have music from hard punk songs to ska songs.

What hobbies do you each have outside the band?
Mike - snowboarding, bmxing
Ryan - snowboarding, skateboarding, playing hockey
Jon - tv, eating, sleeping
Derek - snowboarding, playing hockey, partying.

If you could play with any band anywhere who whould it be & where?
If we could play with any band, we would want to play with bigwig, because they are our favorite band and we love them with all our hearts. We would want to play with them in California because we've never been there before.

For the ladies out there boxers or briefs & for the guys your best pickup line thats worked for you?
We all wear boxers.....except jon who enjoys the tight feeling of white cloth on his johnson. The best pick-up lines are: nice shoes wanna fu*k?.......... Wanna come back to my place for pizza and a fu*k? What you don't like pizza?..........That shirt looks very becomming on you, but if Iwas on you 'id be cumming too.

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years?
Hopefully touring anywhere as long as we get free food.

How has being on ontariopunk.com helped the band?
We get lots of exposure and support from people who have come across us on the site and have dropped us a line.

What would you say has been the highlight moment as a band so far?
An awesome show we played at in Newmarket called Christmas Chaos, because Jon wore blue knee-highs.

What kind of equipment do you each use?
Mike - Fender Telecaster guitar and Fender Princeton 65 amp
Ryan - Yamaha Pacifica guitar with Fender Princeton 65 amp
Jon - Ibanez P-Bass with Peavey stack
Derek - Pearl Drum set.

Where can the fans learn more about you?
Our website http://endofinfinity.cjb.net or email us at meet_the_band@hotmail.com.

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