
January 21, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Can you introduce the band by name, age and position in the band?
Hey, we are endo-4, we're a band that consists of 4 members. Ryan, Speaziale - Guitar/vocals. Derek Macdonald - Guitar/vocals. Gordie Beckerson - Bass, and Joey Ridos - Drummer. We are all 14 years old.

How did you choose your band name?
We had a friend named Thomas, he was a Buddist.....

So far, what's been the career highlight for the band?
Playing the few shows that we have and making our demo CD.

If you could play with any band, who would it be, and where?
We would play with Blink 182 in Joey's basement. (Derek disagree's)

What are some of your hobbies outside of the band?
We play sports and video games and bug people to go to our website untill they actually go.

How long has the group been together and how much individual playing experience do you each have?
The original 3 members have been in the band for 2 years (Derek, Ryan, and gordie). Joey joined in the last year.

We have many female readers, for them to each of you, boxers or briefs?
Gordie, Ryan and Derek wear boxers, but Joey wears tighty whities.

What kind of equipment does the band use?
We use cheap no name equipment, except for the drums and amps.

Has being listed on OntarioPunk.com helped the band with publicity?
Ya.. of few people came to our site and said they found out about us on OntarioPunk.com.

Where can the fans learn more about Endo-4 and order merchandise?
Go to our website, http://endo_4.tripod.com, you will find everything you need. And we are looking for shows if anyone is interested, contact us.
Endo-4 Ever

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