

February 05 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

Hi guys, first can you introduce the band by name, age & postion in the band?
Brendan Hickson 14- vocals, rhythm guitare Nickname FISH
Adrian Kent 14- back up vocals, Bass Nickname SNAG
Micheal Franklin 14- Lead guitare Nickname RAT
Wade Woodward 14- drums

How did the band form & how did you choose your name:
The band was originally a metal band contaning Mike, Brendan, and two other friends. Then we wanted to play punk so we booted them and picked up Adrian,and wade. We chose our name from the dictionary

How would you describe the bands sound:
We think we sound like old Blink182. As in the Buddha days

What are some of your hobbies outside the band:
Brendan- Stunt bladeing A
drian- Skateboarding
Mike- Skateboarding
Wade- Hockey

For the female fans boxers or briefs & for the guys favorite pickup > >line thats worked for you:
Brendan- Boxers- Pick up line: HEY! I've got a penis
Adrian- Boxers - pick up line: Hello, would u like to meet Mr. Johnson
Wade- boxer-briefs- pick up line: HOW U DOIN
Mike- boxers Pick up line: wanna help me barry a bone

We understand you're recording a demo at present hows that going:
Brendan is recording a song at the moment, while wade is being a jackass at hockey, rat we dont know, and Adrian is coming up with tunes and a few lyrics, brendan also writes the lyrics.

If you could change one thing about yourselves what whould you each choose?
Brendan- Wish I could keep a relationship going for more then a week. Adrian- Wish girls would start to like me
Mike- not quite sure yet
Wade- not have to wear glasses

If you could play with any band anywhere who would you choose & where?
Brendan: blink182 in Boston
Adrian: New Found Glory in Toronto
Mike: Korn New York
Wade: Ozzy Osbourne: Minnesota

Where do you see the band in 5-10 years:
Brendan: I think we will be big if we try hard at it. But if we don't then we will just have little gigs.
Adrian: I think we will be big if we are unique and work at it, if not then we'll have to settle for small gigs n stuff.
Mike: Same as right now but with longer hair
Wade: Hopefulyl big and famous with many girls

Where can the fans learn more about the band & check for shows & booking shows: also personal emails-
and the bands email (most prefered):
that is all PUNK FOREVER

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