200 Bean


January 26 , 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band by name, age & postion in the group?
200 Bean is made up of Paul, Herb, Scott and Wes. Paul and Scott are 18, Wes is 19, Herb is 21. Herb and Paul do the guitar and vocals, Wes is bass and Scott is on the drums..

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound?
We formed in late 1999. Scott, Matt (out of band) and I (Paul) could all manage to play a few chords together, so we decided to start the journey towards rockstardom. If you had to explain our sound, I guess you could say we are your standard punk band with a lot of fast, hard, dynamic and technical influences.

How long have each of you been playing & what kind of equipment do you use?
Paul - 5 years, Traynor 4x10 cabinet, Marshall 100 watt head, Epiphone SG, Fender Strat Herb - forever, Marshall 4x12,
Marshall 50 watt head, Epiphone SG, Ibanez Destroyer
Wes - 1 year (you wouldn't know it) Yorkville 4x10, Yamaha 100 watt head, Ibanez 4 string
Scott 5 years - Pear Forum Drums, Sabian cymbols.

What are each of your hobbies outside the band?
Herb is into audio recording and shooting birds at the airport. Paul is into the visual drawing and website design, he also plays a rich guy at parties. Wes used to play hockey before he was tied down with his love for not moving, he also enjoys a good mailboxing session. Scott jumps in front of cars and sews the drivers.

How is the punk sceane in Simcoe Port Dover region & where do you get your shows?
The scene isn't bad, I guess. Usually we put on our own shows or some other band in this area will rent a hall and put one on. In Brantford there are a few bars that we play at every once and a while.

How has being on Ontariopunk.com helped the band?

If you could play with any band anywhere who would it be & where?
I think 3 out of 4members would say NOFX, probably play some cool place in California, because it is warm there.

Any plans for a tour in the near future?
We are trying to plan a small tour on March break and then hopefully a small tour in the Summer.

Will you be recording anytime soon?
We will be recording a CD shortly as soon as we get the kinks out of our new stuff. go to our website for more details.

Where can the fans learn more about you & get your CD?
You can definitly go to a show and talk to us and go to 200bean.cjb.net, e-mail punk200bean@hotmail.com or ICQ 114352057

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