11 Minutes Away


January 26, 2002
Interview by Kevin Pollock

First can you introduce the band names, ages & position in the band?
Well, I'm Paul Sharp, I play guitar and sing, and I'm 18. Magic Laczny plays bass and sings and he is 17. Steve Valentini plays drums and is 18. Our newest member, Chris Reilly plays guitar and is 22.

How did the band form & how would you describe your sound?
Well Steve, Magic and I started jamming in August 2000. Steve and I had started the band after our old band broke up. I'd met Magic a few weeks earlier and called him up to see if he would be interested in playing with us. We had one practice together and instantly we clicked. So we formed that day. We were originally called Nothing To Say. We'd played a few shows and released our first two demo EPs independently, and in March 2001 we found out there was a band called Nothing To Say, somewhere in Eastern Canada. So we changed our name to 11 Minutes Away. The name has no meaning at all, but everyone at the time thought it was how long it took me to drive to my girlfriend's house, but they were wrong. We just thought it sounded cool. January 2002 saw the addition of Chris on guitar. We wanted to sound "fatter" live, so we needed a second guitar. That's how we got our name and current line up.

How would you describe the punk sceane in Georgetown?
Things with the label are great. Chris treats us and all the bands on the label with respect and works his ass off for us. Ever since we signed with East End, he has been there for us, helping us get shows and promoting the band. He joined after we mentioned we were considering getting a second guitarist. He said he was interested, and we knew he was capable since he'd played in Outspan for several years, and he was very committed. We had one practice together, and we all agreed Chris should join. So right now we're practicing hard teaching Chris all the songs, and even writing some new stuff, which will blow you away. Better than anything we've ever written before. Chris is scheduled to join the stage with us in late March, early April depending on how things go. In the mean time all the shows between now and then will be with the original three-piece line up.

What are some of your hobbies outside of the band?
Well for me it would be playing the Molson Amphitheater with Blink 182. That would rock. I'd like to play some large outdoor venues. I choose Blink because they are my favourite band and have been for years. Other than Blink, I'd like to play with The Ataris, MxPx, NFG, and NOFX.

Who writes your songe is it one person or a whole band effort?
Yes, the video for 'The Morning After' will be released soon. We shot it over four days in October and November last year. Shooting was both fun and hell. You get up at 5am go to the shoot to get makeup done, then you stand in front of the camera, and play the same segment of the song a hundred times! At first you're like "wow, I'm making a video", but soon you just want to get it done and go home. It was fun though overall. Just getting up at 5am for three days killed us. We were a little crazy at some points and we started to piss off the film crew. We weren't very professional, and joked around a lot, and started a fight with an old man on the street during filming. He thought the music was too loud and walked right into the shot. We kept playing, ignoring him, but after the shot was done the director came out to try to calm him done. I on the other hand made some rather crude jokes about loud noises, and the director got very upset with me. In hindsight I can see why, and it probably was a mistake, but it was funny. For any band making a video, know how much work it is, and that you'll probably have fun and be in hell at the same time. Oh yeah, you'll hate the song you're doing the video for, because you'll hear a thousand times!

For the girls boxers or briefs & for the guys whats your best pickup line?
Well Steve plays hockey, and Magic plays soccer. Chris works full time and then runs East End, so he is super busy. As for me, I do nothing really. Chill with my friends, go to school, work. At night I spend a lot of time e-mailing people trying to get shows, promote the band, etc. That's about it.

Where do you see the band in 5- 10 years time?
Hopefully we'll still be around. I don't see us breaking up anytime soon. I'd like to be able to tour a lot, play some really cool shows all over the world. I see us doing a lot of touring, releasing some more albums, and pretty much doing everything we're doing now, only bigger and better. I'd like to make a living playing music, so I could tour all year, and quit my two jobs. Getting paid to play music and act stupid is a lot more fun. But I think things will only get better for us in the future.

If you could play with anyone & anywhere who would it be & where?
I think there are a few moments that are highlights. I'd say the coolest moment, was the day we picked up the first box of Picking Up The Pieces CDs from Chris. I remember we all went to Magic's house, opened the box, and we felt like we made it. Just to have a real CD out, one that people all over the world could buy. Something that we'd worked so hard on, and was finally in our hand in completed form. It was a rush.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Well right now we're working on two tour ideas. One would be a mini-tour in March break down to New York, New Jersey, and Quebec. Chris is trying to book that up right now, so we're hoping that comes to fruition. The second would be hitting the road for a few weeks in the summer, all across Canada and hopefully some stops in the states also. We're starting to book that right now too, so we're hoping it will all work out. We really want to go on tour.

where can the fans learn more about the band & order your merchandise?
11 Minutes Away fans can learn all about 11 Minutes Away from our website, www.11minutesaway.com or www.eastendindustries.com/11minutesaway. They can read the band bio, individual bios, look at photos, download songs, and contact us. If they want to buy our merchandise they can order it from the East End site or our site.

Thank you so much, and goodluck in the future.
Thanks a lot

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