Andy Guglielmo, former member of Oshawa’s The Awareness. Andy has moved on and has bigger and better things on his mind. Also a dad of two young kids. We talk about it all in this episode! Being a dad and a musician all wrapped up into one episode.
Andy Guglielmo, former member of Oshawa’s The Awareness. Andy has moved on and has bigger and better things on his mind. Also a dad of two young kids. We talk about it all in this episode! Being a dad and a musician all wrapped up into one episode.
Johnny & Shaner Catch Up After A Super Busy Week of Shows and Kids! Produced by Shaner Johnny and Shaner had a busy week. Friday night we found
Ed the Sock joins us this week on our show. We chat about lots.. the old days at MUCH, and the old crew. His solo projects. And after taking many
Cone McCaslin of SUM 41 This week we chat with Cone McCaslin of SUM 41. Shaner was also born in 1980, as the rest of the band was, and
Hey it’s Johnny Zero and Shaner Macaulay. On this week’s punk rock dad cast we have our very own producer Jen K, who was recently on an Emo
Johnny & Shaner here doing some catching up. We talk about everything we missed out on. Like the Decendents show. And Off With Their Heads show, both in Toronto.
Shane Told of Silverstein Produced by Shaner Macaulay June 5, 2024 No stranger to the OntarioPunk scene, we sit down and catch up with Shane Told of Silverstein. We